2007年8月5日 星期日

從subprime loan(美國次級抵押貸款)的視而不見說起

subprime loan(美國次級抵押貸款)的視而不見說起

Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
You can not hear what you do not understand.


我可以舉一例:「美國次級抵押貸款風波已開始影響到台灣金融市場﹐但由於台灣金融業在該領域的投資規模相對較小﹐且多通過間接方式進行﹐預計損失將可能控制在有限範圍內。」(WSJ 832007

美國次級抵押貸款」(subprime loan;日文:サブプライムローン(信用度の低い借り手向け住宅ローン----在我的Gmail共有112郵件提到它:從200589日開始,再跳到2006124日,至今2007/8/6


A classification of borrowers with a tarnished or limited credit history. Lenders will use a credit scoring system to determine which loans a borrower may qualify for. Subprime loans carry more credit risk, and as such, will carry higher interest rates as well. Approximately 25% of mortgage originations are classified as subprime.

