charactonym 人物(角色)如其名
A charactonym is a name which suggests the personality traits of a fictional character.
Examples: 這在 John Gay的 {乞丐歌劇譯注} (張靜二 , pp. xciv-xcv) 多例 情形類似中國舊小說
- Mara Jade from some of the Star Wars novels: "Mara" means "bitter" in Hebrew; when someone is jaded they are bitter; and bitter is a somewhat simplified description of her character in the first books she appears in.
- Thomas Gradgrind, a character in Charles Dickens' novel Hard Times, subjects his students to a grinding discipline of "facts, facts, facts."
- Squire Allworthy, in Henry Fielding's novel Tom Jones, is an exemplar of virtue.
- Raskolnikov, the protagonist in Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, raskolnik meaning 'schismatic'.
- Mrs. Malaprop in Richard Sheridan's play The Rivals. She was known for misusing words with humorous results. From mal- (bad) + apropos (fitting).
- Remus Lupin in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series turns out to be a werewolf. His first name, "Remus", is an allusion to Romulus and Remus, the legendary twin founders of Rome who were raised by a wolf. His last name, "Lupin", can be traced to the Latin lupus meaning "wolf" (compare French "loup", or English "lupine", meaning "characteristic of or relating to wolves").
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on Page 42: "Sigmund Freud himself remarked in "The Relation of the Poet to Daydream- ing" that each of us is a cast of characters, but Freud had them locked within a single ... "Dear HC,,
不了解 A customer is a cast of characters. 作何解? 這句話重複出現在 Juran on quality by design 的第二章 Identify the customers.
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The actors in a play, movie, or other theatrical presentation.
A CUSTOMER 其實是由各類"角色" (相關人)所組成
cast (ACTORS)verb [T] cast, cast
to choose actors to play particular parts in a play, film or show:
He was often cast as the villain.
In her latest film she was cast against type (= played a different character than the one she usually played or might be expected to play).
FIGURATIVE They like to cast the opposing political party as (= to say that they are) the party of high taxes.
See also typecast.
group noun [C]
the actors in a film, play or show:
After the final performance, the director threw a party for the cast.
Part of the film's success lies in the strength of the supporting cast (= the actors who were not playing the main parts).