新聞英文:Chinese inspection authorities are being more Catholic than the Pope
By Tom Mitchell and Robin Kwong in
英国《金融时报》汤姆•米切尔(Tom Mitchell)、邝彦晖(Robin Kwong)香港报道
2007年8月14日 星期二
The notice requires that factories produce quality standard statements and testing reports for all textile and fashion shipments, and EU-bound shoe exports.
“They are being more Catholic than the Pope,” said one toy executive, who asked not to be identified. “I hope the Chinese authorities will back off a bit. My opinion is that they have overreacted.”
catholic:(1) 天主教;公教;至公:代表至一、至聖、至公、傳自宗徒的真正的教會。(2) 天主教教友;信徒。(3) 天主教會。(4) 大公教會的:此字原為希臘字,指大公、普遍之義。107年安提約基雅的聖依納爵(St. Ignatius of Antioch)始用之。
pope:教宗;教皇;教化皇(舊稱):羅馬教會主教享有耶穌特別賜給宗徒之長伯鐸的職位,此職位亦應傳遞於其繼承人,因此教宗為世界主教團的首領、基督 的在世代表、天主教的首領、普世教會在現世的牧人、主教團的首領;而經由此職務,教宗在普世教會內享有最高、完全、直接的職權,且得經常自由行使之(法典 331)。首位教宗為聖伯鐸,至教宗若望保祿二世共計265位(詳見本書附錄)。教宗又可稱 Papa,簡稱 PP.或 Pp.。法典未明定教宗的任期(法典335)。
back off (STOP) phrasal verb INFORMAL
to stop being involved in a situation, usually in order to allow other people to deal with it themselves:
She started to criticize me, then she suddenly backed off.
Just back off and let us do this on our own, will you?
back off (MOVE) phrasal verb
to move backwards away from someone, usually because you are frightened:
I saw the knife and backed off.