2021年5月25日 星期二

marathon, equestrian, eventing, calisthenics. An ultramarathon turned fatal:

An ultramarathon turned fatal: Freezing weather has killed at least 21 runners in China.
The Battle of Marathon was fought #onthisday in 490 BC.
According to Greek historian Herodotus, when the Athenians learned that the Persians had landed at Marathon, a messenger ran to Sparta with a plea for help. This original ‘marathon runner’ is said to have covered 260 kilometres of rugged terrain in less than two days!
Discover more about the origins of the marathon and the ancient Olympic Games in our curator’s blog: http://ow.ly/1qQM30ptSAN

紐約時報"色 戒"之影評

A Cad and a Femme Fatale Simmer
“Lust, Caution” is a sleepy, musty period drama about wartime maneuvers and bedroom calisthenics, and the misguided use of a solid director.

Shawn Hamilton
Equestrians’ Deaths Spread Unease in Sport


Darren Chiachia and Better i Do It jumping a brush fence. There is a fierce debate over whether risks involved with the equestrian discipline known as eventing are too great.
Graphic: What Is Eventing? | Graphic: Dangers of Eventing
Slide Show: For Horses and Riders, a Dangerous Triathlon

n. - 馬拉松賽跑, 耐力的考驗
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - マラソン競走, 耐久競争, マラソンの, マラトン
  1. Sports.
    1. A cross-country footrace of 26 miles, 385 yards (42.195 kilometers).
    2. A long-distance race other than a footrace: a swimming marathon.
    1. A contest of endurance: a dance marathon.
    2. An event or activity that requires prolonged effort or endurance.
[After MARATHON (so called because a messenger ran from there to Athens to announce a victory over the Persians in 490 B.C.).]
Wikipedia article "Marathon".
這樣的好消息,亟待傳報首都雅典城。傳令兵費里皮德斯(Phelippides)興奮地從馬拉松不休息地一路跑到雅典城,跑了約40公里。當他汗留浹背地 跑到雅典城大喊:「歡樂吧!雅典人,我們勝利了!」便體力透支倒地而死。為了紀念這位傳送勝利之聲的士兵,遂而有馬拉松比賽,以當時所跑約40公里作為路 程。"

The Battle of Marathon was fought #onthisday in 490 BC.
Although it was never part of the ancient Olympic games, the modern marathon gets its name from this battle and the story attached to it. The story goes that a messenger called Pheidippides ran from Athens to Sparta to ask for help against the Persian forces, covering 260 kilometres of rugged terrain in less than two days! 🏃‍♂‍
‘Marathon’ is the Greek word for fennel, which grew in the area and gave the battlefield its name. 馬拉松(Marathon)是希臘語中的小茴香(fennel),在該地區生長,並給戰場起了名字。
Read all about the ancient origins of this long-distance race in our blog: http://ow.ly/BVLz30r5kFe
🔎 Panathenaic amphora showing long-distance runners. Greece, 333 BC.


━━ a., n. 騎馬の; 馬術家, 曲馬師, 乗馬者.
 ━━ n. 婦人馬術家; 女曲馬師.

What Is Eventing?

Eventing consists of dressage, cross-country and show jumping. The cross-country portion tests the speed, endurance and jumping ability of the horses and the skills of the rider. There are technical jump combinations that require accurate and steady riding; some of the single fences can be ridden at a faster gallop.


━━ n. 馬場馬術.

[編集] 概要


日本語 (Japanese)
美容体操 beauty exercises; 〔米〕calisthenics.
n. - 徒手体操法, 徒手体操

n. pl. - 柔軟體操, 運動
n. - 柔軟體操, 運動

calisthenics (kăl'ĭs-thĕn'ĭks)

n.(used with a pl. verb) Gymnastic exercises designed to develop muscular tone and promote physical well-being:
Sit-ups, trunk twists, and other calisthenics are demonstrated on the videotape.

(used with a sing. verb) The practice or art of such exercises: Calisthenics is recommended to relax the muscles before a run.

[From Greek kalli-, beautiful (from kallos, beauty) + sthenos, strength.]

calisthenic cal'is·then'ic adj.

Systematic, rhythmic exercises, such as sit-ups and push-ups, which utilize the weight of the body as resistance. The exercises are usually performed gracefully. They are designed to tone and strengthen muscle, and to promote general fitness. Structured training routines, similar to circuit training, have been formulated using timed calisthenics. Exercise intensity is controlled by varying the number of repetitions performed in a given time. As fitness improves, you can increase the number of repetitions and circuits. However, once you can perform a certain number of repetitions (approximately 25), additional repetitions will only improve your muscular endurance, not your strength. To develop strength, you can add weights or change your body position to increase the resistance. For example, you can wear a weighted vest or elevate your feet while doing push-ups. Exercises in a calisthenics routine should be chosen carefully so that all the major muscle groups are worked. A typical routine might consist of seven exercises: burpees, curl-ups, push-ups, treadmills, running on the spot, star jumps, and chin-ups. Each exercise lasts a predetermined time depending on fitness level, and is separated from the next exercise by a 10 second rest period. Exercisers usually walk for two minutes between circuits to hasten recovery.
Dictionary. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2007, 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2007. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Read more
Food and Fitness. Food and Fitness: A Dictionary of Diet and Exercise. Copyright © 1997, 2003 by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.

the Wikipedia article "Calisthenics".
