2020年5月30日 星期六

dilate, moderation, a moderation system, dead center, sequestration, tempers flare, fault-finding, ill-/ well-tempered, sequester

Why did anti-China comments disappear from YouTube? The explanation most likely lies in the nature of Google's moderation software

The crew led "quiet, perhaps sequestered lives during the week."
One of his pupils was permanently dilated after a school fight over a girl.

David Bowie: 69 facts on the artist who died at 69

The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

"Moderation is a fatal thing. Enough is as bad as a meal. More than

enough is as good as a feast."

--Lord Henry in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

He could admire a president for his politics and his leadership skills, yet report on his inherent shortcomings, as he did with Roosevelt; or to spot a lack of political courage that undermined a promising presidency, as he did with President Bill Clinton and his vice president, Al Gore, in “Dead Center: Clinton-Gore Leadership and the Perils of Moderation,” written with Georgia Jones Sorenson. In the book, he chastised both men for yielding their liberal instincts too easily.

 Tempers Flare as New Rules Strain Senate


Senators headed into their second late-night session of confirmation votes Thursday evening, the Democrats' way of retaliating for Republican delay tactics.

At Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, one of the poorest parts of the United States, the budget cuts known as sequestration have slashed millions of federal dollars in funding.

Ruth Fremson/The New York Times

Tempers Cool at City Pool in Brooklyn

The reopening of McCarren Park Pool in June was marred by fistfights and thefts, but as summer came to a close, the pool became a family-friendly community center.
 After a first in classical honour   moderation and being proxime for a Craven School

One possible technology is "Carbon Capture and Sequestration". It would take the CO2 out of power plant emissions and store it deep in the earth.

The Land of the Binge

With sequestration around the corner and bacon on every plate, America could use a dose of moderation.

Sohu Shares Tumble on Outlook
Sohu.com said its third-quarter profit fell 7.2% due to the divestment of part of its gaming unit, and tempered its revenue outlook for the fourth quarter. Shares tumbled.

So far my favorite beer is the Mine All Malt (smooth, 5 percent ABV) . Also, I tell myself after experiencing this humidity, I will temper my complaints about Baltimore weather.

Japan and China seek agreement beyond islands row
Reuters - USA
By Chris Buckley BEIJING (Reuters) - China and Japan sought to temper a row over disputed islands in the East China Sea when their foreign ministers met in ...

White House Says Stimulus Won’t Be a Quick Fix
As President Obama prepared to sign the $787 billion stimulus bill, administration officials sought to temper expectations on Sunday.

European Leaders Temper Finance Reform Rhetoric

SAP Tempers Revenue Outlook
SAP warned investors that its third-quarter revenue would be lower than expected, blaming the global financial turmoil for a sudden drop in orders.

After a Rough Start, Spitzer Rethinks His Ways
Reflecting on his first year, the governor said that he knew he needed to temper his bluntness with diplomacy — but also that problems overshadowed his administration’s real accomplishments.
The Well-Tempered Critic 《創造與再創造》
The Well-Tempered Critic is a collection of essays by a Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye. The collection was originally published in Bloomington, Indiana by the Indiana University Press in 1963.
The collection presents lectures delivered by Frye at the University of Virginia in March 1961 for the Page-Barbour Foundation, with a certain amount of expansion and some revisions.


  • Frye, Northrop. The Well-Tempered Critic; Bloomington: Indiana University Press, ISBN 0-253-20077-6

The New Well Tempered Sentence: A Punctuation Handbook for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed (Hardcover)

by Karen Elizabeth Gordon (Author) "WHAT A WILD, reckless, willful invention!..." (more)
Key Phrases: independent clauses, Sola Crespusci, The Mauled Scribe

Krugman: Sequester of Fools 
Fault-Finding in Washington Grows Intense as Cuts Near
WASHINGTON — With less than a week before once-unthinkable, deep, across-the-board spending cuts, both the White House and Congress are eager to say sequestration was the other’s idea.

past tense: dilated; past participle: dilated
  1. 1.
    make or become wider, larger, or more open.
    "her eyes dilated with horror"
speak or write at length on (a subject).

"the faithful could hear the minister dilate on the role religion could play"

dilated pupils

dead centre 
Line breaks: dead cen¦tre


1The exact centre of something:Kansas, the dead centre of the USA[AS ADVERB]: most notebooks have a logo sitting dead centre
1.1The position of a crank when it is in line with the connecting rod and not exerting torque.

v., -pered, -per·ing, -pers. v.tr.
  1. To modify by the addition of a moderating element; moderate: "temper its doctrinaire logic with a little practical wisdom" (Robert H. Jackson). See synonyms at moderate.
  2. To bring to a desired consistency, texture, hardness, or other physical condition by or as if by blending, admixing, or kneading: temper clay; paints that had been tempered with oil.
  3. To harden or strengthen (metal or glass) by application of heat or by heating and cooling.
  4. To strengthen through experience or hardship; toughen: soldiers who had been tempered by combat.
  5. To adjust finely; attune: a portfolio that is tempered to the investor's needs.
  6. Music. To adjust (the pitch of an instrument) to a temperament.
To be or become tempered.
  1. A state of mind or emotions; disposition: an even temper. See synonyms at mood1.
  2. Calmness of mind or emotions; composure: lose one's temper.
    1. A tendency to become easily angry or irritable: a quick temper.
    2. An outburst of rage: a fit of temper.
  3. A characteristic general quality; tone: heroes who exemplified the medieval temper; the politicized temper of the 1930s.
    1. The condition of being tempered.
    2. The degree of hardness and elasticity of a metal, chiefly steel, achieved by tempering.
  4. A modifying substance or agent added to something else.
  5. Archaic. A middle course between extremes; a mean.
[Middle English temperen, from Old English temprian, from Latin temperāre, probably from variant of tempus, tempor-, time, season.]
temperability tem'per·a·bil'i·ty n.
temperable tem'per·a·ble adj.
temperer tem'per·er n. 

temper (BEHAVIOUR) Show phonetics
noun [C]
when someone becomes angry very quickly:
She has a real temper.
He's got a really bad temper.

-tempered Show phonetics
having or showing the stated type of temper:

tempered  adj.
  1. Having a specified temper or disposition. Often used in combination: sweet-tempered; ill-tempered.
  2. Adjusted or attuned by the addition of a counterbalancing element; moderated or measured: “prepare the country to expect hard choices and to appreciate tempered values and moderation in private and public life” (Haynes Johnson).
  3. Made appropriately hard or flexible by tempering: a sword of tempered steel.
  4. Having the requisite degree of hardness or elasticity. Used of glass or a metal.
  5. Music. Tuned to temperament. Used of a scale, an interval, semitone, or intonation.

describes a person who becomes angry and annoyed easily:
She's very bad-tempered in the mornings!

1 FORMAL easily annoyed

2 If an occasion, such as a game, is ill-tempered, people get angry during it:
An increasingly ill-tempered match saw three players sent off before half-time.

temper (REDUCE)
verb [T] FORMAL
to make something less strong, extreme, etc:
My enthusiasm for the venture was somewhat tempered by my knowledge of the work that would be involved.
I learnt to temper my criticism.

1 ((形式))…のきびしさ[強さ, 激しさ]を(…で)和らげる, ゆるめる, 鎮める, 抑える((with ...))

She tempered her criticism with words of encouragement.

2 〈粘土・しっくいなどを〉(水を加えて)適度に練り合わせる;〈色などを〉(混合により)加減[調整]する.

3 《冶》…を焼き戻す;〈鋼・ガラスなどを〉強化[硬化]する, 焼入れする;((比喩))…を(試練などで)鍛える.

4 〈ピアノなどを〉調律する.

━━(自)和らぐ, 適当な状態になる;〈鋼などが〉強化される.

[ラテン語temperamacrre (tempus時間+-amacrre反復を示す不定詞語尾)=適当な割合で混ぜる. △TEMPORAL1

  • 発音記号[témpər]

1 ((ふつう形容詞を前に置いて))(一時的な)気分, 機嫌;(永続的な)気質, 気性, 性向
be in a bad temper
a person of a fierce [a sweet] temper
be in no temper to be kept waiting
2 ((しばしばa〜))かんしゃく, 立腹
getflyinto a temper
have a temper
show one's temper
3 [U]平静, 冷静, 落着き
out of temper
lose one's temper with a personover a matter
keepcontrolone's temper
平静を保つ, がまんする
Temper! Temper!
((話))落ち着いて, 落ち着いて.
4 [C](物質の性質や品質を修正するための)添加物.
5 [U](モルタルなどの)練り加減;《冶金》(金属の)硬度, 弾性度;(鋼の)含炭量;焼き戻し.
6 [U]((古))中庸;妥協.
1 ((形式))…のきびしさ[強さ, 激しさ]を(…で)和らげる, ゆるめる, 鎮める, 抑える((with ...))
She tempered her criticism with words of encouragement.
2 〈粘土・しっくいなどを〉(水を加えて)適度に練り合わせる;〈色などを〉(混合により)加減[調整]する.
3 《冶金》…を焼き戻す;〈鋼・ガラスなどを〉強化[硬化]する, 焼入れする;((比喩))…を(試練などで)鍛える.
4 〈ピアノなどを〉調律する.
━━(自)和らぐ, 適当な状態になる;〈鋼などが〉強化される.
[ラテン語temperāre (tempus時間+-āre反復を示す不定詞語尾)=適当な割合で混ぜる. △TEMPORAL1


  • 発音記号[mɑ`dəréiʃən | mɔ`d-]
1 [U][C]節度, 適度;穏健;((形式))中庸, 節制;温和;適度にする[和らげる]こと, 緩和
moderation in eating and drinking
useexercise] moderation
2 ((〜s))((英))(Oxford大学でBachelor of Artsをとるための)第一次学士試験(略:mods, Mods).
in moderation
ほどよく, 適度に
eat in moderation

moderation Line breaks: mod¦er|ation
Pronunciation: /mɒdəˈreɪʃ(ə)n 


1The avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behaviour or political opinions:he urged the police to show moderation
1.1The action of making something less extreme, intense, or violent:the union’s approach was based on increased dialogue and the moderation of demands
2British The action or process of moderating examination papers, results, or candidates:coursework may need to be filed separately for the purposes of moderation
2.1(Moderations) The first public examination in some faculties for the BA degree at Oxford University:he took firsts in classical honour Moderations
3Physics The retardation of neutrons by a moderator.


late Middle English: via Old French from Latinmoderatio(n-), from the verb moderare 'to control' (seemoderate).

in moderation
Within reasonable limits; not to excess:nuts can be eaten in moderation

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On Internet websites that invite users to post comments, a moderation system is the method the webmaster chooses to sort contributions that are irrelevant, obscene, illegal, or insulting with regards to useful or informative contributions.


Pronunciation: /flɛː/
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  • 1a sudden brief burst of bright flame or light:the flare of the match lit up his face
  • a device producing a very bright flame, used especially as a signal or marker:a distress flare [as modifier]:a flare gun
  • [in singular] a sudden burst of intense emotion:she felt a flare of anger within her
  • a sudden recurrence of an inflammation or other medical condition:corticosteroid treatment for colitis flares
  • Astronomy a sudden explosion in the chromosphere and corona of the sun or another star, resulting in an intense burst of radiation. See also solar flare.
  • [mass noun] Photography extraneous illumination on film caused by internal reflection in the camera.
  • 2a gradual widening in shape, especially towards the hem of a garment.
  • (flares) trousers whose legs get progressively wider from the knees down.
  • [mass noun] an upward and outward curve of a ship’s bows, designed to throw the water outwards when in motion.


[no object]
  • 1burn or shine with a sudden intensity:the bonfire crackled and flared up behind him, lightning flared
  • (of a situation or emotion) suddenly become intense or violent:tempers flared as supporters scuffled with other passengers the controversy flared up again in 2003
  • (flare up) (of a person) suddenly become angry:she flared up, shouting at Geoffrey
  • 2 (often as adjective flared) gradually become wider at one end:a flared skirt the dress flared out into a huge train
  • (of a person’s nostrils) dilate: his head lifted fractionally, his nostrils flaring
  • [with object] (of a person) cause (the nostrils) to dilate.


mid 16th century (in the sense 'spread out one's hair'): of unknown origin. Current senses date from the 17th century

Do not confuse flair with flare. Flair means 'a natural ability or talent' (she had a flair for languages), whereas flare means 'burn suddenly' or 'become wider' (a flared skirt).


  音節se • ques • trate
sequestrated (過去形) • sequestrated (過去分詞) • sequestrating (現在分詞) • sequestrates (三人称単数現在)
1 ((通例受身))《法律》〈財産を〉一時差し押さえる, …を押収する.
2 ((古))…を隔離する;…を引退させる.


se • ques • tra • tion
sequestrations (複数形)
1 除去, 隔離, 追放, 流罪.
2 隠退, 隠遁(いんとん).
3 《法律》財産の仮差し押さえ, 係争物の強制保管[第三者供託], 接収, 押収.

克拉珀以指責決策制定者造成目前的預算僵局作為他的開場白,他說,被稱為“自動減赤”(sequestration)的預算削減方案會迫使美國的情報機構 大幅削減保密計劃、給僱員放假。過去十年,保密情報預算有了大幅增加,克拉珀把目前這一輪的預算削減與20世紀90年代的削減相提並論。當時,冷戰的結束 導致中情局的預算大幅降低。


se • ques • ter
sequestered (過去形) • sequestered (過去分詞) • sequestering (現在分詞) • sequesters (三人称単数現在)
1 《法律》〈財産を〉一時差し押さえる;〈係争物を〉強制保管する, (第三者に)供託する;《国際法》〈敵国民の財産を〉接収する, 押収する.
2 ((しばしば〜 -self))…を(…から)孤立させる, 引きこもらせる, 引退させる((from ...)).
3 〈人・物を〉引き離す, 隔離する, 分離する;見えないところに置く, 隠す.
4 《化学》〈金属イオンを〉封鎖する.


Syllabification: (se·ques·tra·tion)


  • 1the action of taking legal possession of assets until a debt has been paid or other claims have been met:if such court injunctions are ignored, sequestration of trade union assets will follow
  • the action of taking forcible possession of something; confiscation:they demanded the sequestration of the incriminating correspondence
  • an act of declaring someone bankrupt.
  • the action of making a general cut in government spending:the measure brings the federal budget closer to sequestration
  • Chemistry the action of sequestering a substance.
