2024年6月29日 星期六

chafe, Businesses Chafing. baffle, ride, go runs, go nowhwere, hydrangeas. A former hippie who chafed at wealth,Became a Prominent Philanthropist

成為傑出慈善家的護士安·盧裡 (Ann Lurie) 去世,享年 79 歲


Ann Lurie, Nurse Who Became a Prominent Philanthropist, Is Dead at 79

A former hippie who chafed at wealth, she married a Chicago real estate titan and, after his death, donated hundreds of millions in her adopted city and beyond.

Businesses Chafing Under Covid-19 Lockdowns Turn to Armed Defiance

Businesses Chafing Under Covid-19 Lockdowns Turn to Armed Defiance

Armed militia-style protesters have helped businesses across Texas defy coronavirus lockdowns and reopen. Protesters say they are enforcing the Constitution.
The MIT Musical Theatre Guild’s performance of 9 to 5 chronicles the exploits of three women who, chafing under the oversight of their sexist, misogynistic boss, resolve to take decisive action against him. Though slightly unpolished, the musical’s excellent costume design and enthusiastic acting render it worth watching.

On a visit to the Gallery in May 1962, Jackie Kennedy reportedly said to the visiting French Cultural Minister, Andre Malraux: “I would love to see the ‘Mona Lisa’ again and show her to Americans.” Malraux reportedly replied, “I’ll see what I can do.”
With French President Charles de Gaulle’s approval the loan was secured. It was made directly to the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, and the American people, by the government of the French Republic. More than half a million visitors came to see the Mona Lisa at the Gallery in January and February of 1963. The painting was installed on a baffle draped in red velvet, and was guarded around the clock by United States Marines. Because of the crowds visitors had to wait in line for up to two hours.
Which of Leonardo’s ladies is your favorite? Are you ‪#‎TeamMonaLisa‬or ‪#‎TeamGinevra‬?
President John F. Kennedy, Mms Malraux, Andre Malraux, First Lady Jackie Kennedy, and Vice-President Lyndon Johnson at the unveiling of the "Mona Lisa" on January 8, 1963, National Gallery of Art, Gallery Archives; Visitors line up to see the “Mona Lisa,” National Gallery of Art, Gallery Archives

IBMers chafed at Chinese practices such as mandatory exercise breaks and public shaming of latecomers to meetings.

 Before Scandal, Clash Over Control of Libor
In a 2008 meeting with Bank of England officials, the head of the British Bankers' Association suggested that Libor had become too big for her organization to manage, but her suggestion went nowhere.

MOST climbers simply chafe to reach the tops of mountains. Roger Payne was different. Although he had several first ascents to his name—Mount Grosvenor in China, Khan Tengri and Pobeda in Kazakhstan, in a career spanning 30 years—his priority was to go lightly, and leave no trace.

Brian Harkin for The New York Times

Clash of Rights on a Brooklyn Bus

The B110 bus, which runs between Williamsburg and Borough Park, is different from other New York City buses. Most notably, women are asked to ride in the back.

photoA train named Yoru no Ajisai- go runs near clusters of hydrangeas lit up in on the Hakone mountainside on June 23. (Toshiyuki Hayashi)
Flower lovers and photographers can climb aboard a special Hakone Tozan Railway Co. night train again to enjoy views of illuminated clusters of colorful hydrangeas in Hakone.

Nowhere is this more true than in the field of mathematics. The most famous example is the development of imaginary numbers. The very name conveys the supposed uselessness of the concept. Square the imaginary unit, i, and you get minus one. Baffling.


French intellectuals, like those in the rest of Europe, have been vocal critics of Google Books. But France does not appear to chafe when it comes to displaying its own literature online, on its own terms.

President Nicolas Sarkozy announced Monday that the government has earmarked more than $1 billion to scan French books.

Still Chafing After 40 Years, Libyan Leader Baffles West

If the world thought Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi had changed, he proved otherwise with the hero’s welcome home he gave the Lockerbie convict.

Britain is the EU's third-biggest economy, and the EU is the country's biggest trading partner, taking in about half the U.K.'s exports. The regulations that emanate from Brussels have chafed U.K. companies for years, but to many they are less scary than the loss of the country's unfettered access to the world's biggest economic bloc.

chafe (chāf)

v., chafed, chaf·ing, chafes. v.tr.
  1. To wear away or irritate by rubbing.
  2. To annoy; vex.
  3. To warm by rubbing, as with the hands.
  1. To rub and cause irritation or friction: The high collar chafed against my neck.
  2. To become worn or sore from rubbing.
  3. To feel irritated or impatient: chafed at the delay.
  1. Warmth, wear, or soreness produced by friction.
  2. Annoyance; vexation.
[Middle English chafen, from Old French chaufer, to warm, from Vulgar Latin *calefāre, alteration of Latin calefacere : calēre, to be warm + facere, to make.]
SYNONYMS chafe, abrade, excoriate, fret, gall. These verbs mean to wear down or rub away a surface by or as if by scraping: chafed my skin; water abrading the canyon walls; metal bristles that excoriated her scalp; rope that fretted a groove in the post; stone steps galled by years of heavy use.

chafed (過去形) • chafed (過去分詞) • chafing (現在分詞) • chafes (三人称単数現在)
chafe at the bit, (全1件)
1 〈靴などを〉すり減らす, すり切らす;〈靴・カラーなどが〉〈足・首などを〉すりむく, すりむいて[こすって]ひりひりさせる
The handcuffs chafed his wrists.
2 〈手などを〉こすって暖める.
3 〈人・神経などを〉悩ます, 怒らせる, いらいらさせる.
1 〈動物が〉(…に)体をこすりつける;〈物が〉(…と)摩擦する;(…で)すり切れる;(…に)激しく当たる((against, on ...)).
2 すれてひりひりする
His neck chafed against the stiff collar.
3 (…に)いらだつ, じれったがる((at, against, under ...))
chafe at the traffic jam
chafe under the restraints of social convention
4 (…を)待ちこがれる((for ...)).
5 〈海・波が〉荒れ狂う.
chafe at the bit
(1) 〈馬が〉はみにいらだつ.
(2) 遅いのでじりじりする.
1 いらだち, かんしゃく
be in a chafe
2 摩擦熱;すり切れ;すりむき傷(の痛み).

go nowhere (fast)
to not progress This debate is going nowhere - we're no closer to a solution than we were when it started. Chloë's job at the health department was going nowhere fast.





1Totally bewilder or perplex:an unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone
2Restrain or regulate (a fluid, sound, etc.):to baffle the noise further, I pad the gunwales


A device used to restrain the flow of a fluid, gas, etc. or to prevent the spreading of sound or light in a particular direction:you can cut out glare from a strip light by concealing it behind a baffle[AS MODIFIER]: a baffle plate
  1. [動](他)
  2. 1 〈人を〉まごつかせる,当惑させる
    • She is baffled that ...
    • 彼女は…に当惑している
  3. 2 ((しばしば受身))〈望み・計画などを〉くじく;〈人を〉(企てなどで)挫折(ざせつ)させる((in ...))
  4. 3 〈光・音・液体などの〉流れを止める[そらす]
  5. 4 ((主に英))〈風・天候などが〉〈進路などを〉妨げる.
  1. ━━(自)〈人・動物が〉もがく,あがく.
  1. ━━[名](またbáf・fler)(水流・音響・気流などの)整流装置(baffle plate).
  1. baf・fle・ment
    • [名]

Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Southern part, Lydians. Their king Croesus, proverbially rich, had been defeated by Cyrus the Great in or after 547 BCE. The Lydian presents are two metal phials, two bowls, two beautifully decorated metal rings with griffins' heads, and a chariot, drawn by two stallions.

 Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Southern part, Lydians. Their king Croesus, proverbially rich, had been defeated by Cyrus the Great in or after 547 BCE. The Lydian presents are two metal phials, two bowls, two beautifully decorated metal rings with griffins' heads, and a chariot, drawn by two stallions.

2024年6月26日 星期三

assistant Principal Librarian. In his beautiful memoir, “Do Something,” Guy Trebay paints a picture of a vanished, pre-AIDS Gotham that’s both gritty and dazzling.

A Day-Glo New York Where Artists Could Afford the Rent

In his beautiful memoir, “Do Something,” Guy Trebay paints a picture of a vanished, pre-AIDS Gotham that’s both gritty and dazzling.

adjective. adjective. /ˈdeɪ ɡloʊ/ having a very bright orange, yellow, green, or pink color Day-Glo cycling shorts. Definitions on the go.

English proverbs tell of a village called Gotham or Gottam, meaning “Goat's Town” in old Anglo-Saxon. Folk tales of the Middle Ages make Gotham out to be the village of simple-minded fools, perhaps because the goat was considered a foolish animal.Jan 25, 2011

 Big Announcement! 🌟 We are excited to share that Claudia Restrepo is joining the New York Philharmonic as Assistant Principal Librarian in 2024! Claudia has a remarkable background, having served several seasons as a Librarian for the Utah Symphony, Utah Opera and holding positions with the AMFS, Detroit, and National Symphony Orchestras. She was also a Library Fellow for the Civic Orchestra of Chicago and Tanglewood.

🗣️ Claudia says, “I am grateful for the support received by NAAS with their Audition Grant which allowed me to participate in several rounds of library auditions that have proven instrumental into continuing my career advancement as a professional musician. I am honored to be joining one of the premier orchestras in the country, thanks, in part, to the opportunity awarded by this grant.”

Let’s celebrate Claudia’s fantastic achievement and wish her the best in her new role! 🎉

#AssistantPrincipalLibrarian #CareerAdvancement #NAAS #MusicCommunity #NAASGrant @followers

A Day-Glo New York Where Artists Could Afford the Rent


A Day-Glo New York Where Artists Could Afford the Rent

In his beautiful memoir, “Do Something,” Guy Trebay paints a picture of a vanished, pre-AIDS Gotham that’s both gritty and dazzling.

Day-Glo adjective - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries

adjective. adjective. /ˈdeɪ ɡloʊ/ having a very bright orange, yellow, green, or pink color Day-Glo cycling shorts. Definitions on the go.

redouble, remise, reawaken, rebranding, potential, broad report, stovepipe hat . France’s Far-Right National Rally Rebranded Itself. Here’s How.

America’s rush for the exit has allowed the Taliban to drop the pretence of negotiations and redouble their campaign to remove the government by force.

America's tough talk has backfired, prompting Huawei to redouble efforts to wean itself off US technology

A Spate of Rebranding for Spanish-Language TV

On Monday, Univision, the dominant Spanish-language network in the United States, will unveil UniMás, a new name and look for its second-largest network, TeleFutura.

Ford Redoubles Effort to Reawaken Its Sleepy Lincoln Brand
On Monday, Ford will formally rechristen the Lincoln brand and introduce a television spot that begins with an image of President Lincoln, stovepipe hat and all.

The remise is a renewal of an attack in fencing. It is performed when one fencer's attack has failed, either because their opponent has parried or they missed. If the attacker immediately continues their attack in the same line, they have executed a remise. The name also is applied to repetitions of other actions which did not initially succeed (remise of the riposte, for example, is a riposte that initially missed but hit in a continuation). The remise is at the bottom of actions in taking priority.
The remise is important in sabre because of two elements: first, that an attack is over when the front foot lands in the lunge. (In theory all attacks end in a lunge or flèche, and the fleche is forbidden in sabre.) Therefore, if the attacker's front foot lands before their blade hits their opponent, their action is automatically a remise. Also, because any contact between a blade and the opponent's target area will set off the scoring apparatus, many fencers whose attack has failed will keep their arm extended or make a quick second cut to attempt to catch their opponent's arm during their riposte.
In foil, the remise gained some prominence after changes to the electronic scoring apparatus in 2004. The blocking time after registering a hit was reduced from 0.75 seconds to 0.25 seconds, so a fast remise can 'time out' a slow riposte. The contact time required to score a hit was also been increased to 15 milliseconds to make flick hits less likely to register. It has been observed that, after these changes, some straight hits are not registered by the apparatus. Thus, a pair of foil fencers may, upon finding their touchés have not landed, remain in lunge position and repeatedly remise hoping to be the first one to score a touch.
The remise also has a place as a stop hit, in which a defender (or in this case unsuccessful attacker) hits their opponent one period of "fencing time" before their opponent's attack or riposte arrives. The judgement of "fencing time" is extremely subjective and up to the referee.


[動](他)《法律》〈権利・財産などを〉他人に移転する, 放棄する.

With Troop Pledge, New Demands on Afghans
A commitment to redouble the campaign leaves unanswered a decisive question: Will the Afghans step up?

Japan pitching nuclear plant exports to India,...
Undaunted by the disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, the government is redoubling efforts to export nuclear power plants, with energy-starved India among its next potential customers.

with the distraction of microsoft's unsolicited proposal behind us, we must redouble our efforts. we should focus our energies on continuing to execute the most important transition in our history. how will we do this? by executing against the strategies and priorities we already have in place, and by continuing to deliver indispensable experiences for our communities of users, advertisers, publishers and developers.

verb [T]
to make something much more than before; to increase something:
The government, he said, must redouble their efforts to beat crime.

re·dou·ble (rē-dŭb'əl) pronunciation
v., -bled, -bling, -bles. v.tr.
  1. To double.
  2. To repeat.
  3. Games. To double the doubling bid of (an opponent) in bridge.
  1. To become twice as great.
  2. Games. To double a double in bridge.
redouble re·dou'ble n.

Meaning #1: double in magnitude, extent, or intensity
Meaning #2: double again
Meaning #3: make twice as great or intense

a new action that follows an attack that missed or was parried; see also Reprise
Found on http://www.hpfc.org.uk/glossary.htm

the renewal of an action after being parried by replacing the point on the target in a different line to the original action
Found on http://www.britishfencing.com/British_Fe

Top hat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A top hat, beaver hat, high hat, silk hat, cylinder hat, chimney pot hat or stove pipe hat (sometimes also known by the nickname "topper") is a tall, flat-crowned, ...


  • 発音記号[pəténʃəl]
1 ((限定))可能性がある, 潜在的な(⇔actual)
potential abilities
2 起こりうる, なりうる
potential buyers
potential energy resources
3 《文法》可能法の.
4 《物理学》位置の;《電気》電位の
potential difference
potential energy
1 (…の)可能性, 潜在性;潜在力[能力];素質;効率((for ...))
the dramatic potential of a novel
have the potential to do
2 《文法》可能法(構文), 可能法形の語句.
3 《電気》電位;《数学・物理学》ポテンシャル(関数).
hanching chung 提到...
Handset Firms Double Down on Android
Asia's major handset makers are redoubling their efforts to make phones based on Google's Android software, which surged to become the most widely used smartphone platform in the fourth quarter.

hoover up, in a bind, miller or grinder. A Trump Ally and Brexiteer Disrupts the U.K., Again


miller or grinder ,不能合用

Cities in Bind as Turmoil Spreads Far Beyond Portland

By Mike Baker, Thomas Fuller and Shane Goldmacher
Galvanized in part by the deployment of federal agents in Portland, Ore., protesters have returned to the streets in Oakland, Seattle and elsewhere.

The most valuable part of the industry is processing—which depends heavily on free trade. But Brexiteers will cry betrayal if Britain agrees to let EU trawlers keep on hoovering up British fish

Britain’s tiny fish industry is political dynamite
On the menu


In a bind | Definition of In a bind at Dictionary.com

Also, in a box or hole or jam or tight corner or tight spot. In a difficult, threatening, or embarrassing position; also, unable to solve a dilemma. For example, He's put us in a bind: we can't refuse, but at the same time we can't fill the order, or Jim's ...

hoover up (third-person singular simple present hoovers uppresent participle hoovering upsimple past and past participle hoovered up)
  1. (transitive, colloquial) To suck (something) into a vacuum cleaner, irrespective of brand
    Don't worry about the mess on the carpet - I'll hoover it up later.
  2. (colloquial, idiomatic) To eat (food) quickly, especially by taking it into the mouth directly from the plate rather than using cutlery.