- U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called on China to persuade Russia to end the war, warning that staying on the sidelines could jeopardize China’s standing in the global economy.
一直以來,中國共產黨都不信任公民社會。它懷疑任何可能對其統治構成挑戰的組織,包括大的私營企業;並一直在打壓非政府組織,如人權組織、慈善機構,以及教會和清真寺。這種公民社會的缺位使“大政府”包辦一切的傳統管理機制暴露出了腐敗、低效、官僚主義等種種問題。歡迎閱讀時報“新新世界”欄目這篇文章的中文版 。
Amy Gillett, Author of the Speak English Like an American series, on conversational English
The idiom cut through the noise means that you are able to communicate in a way that grabs people’s attention. It is often used in business to refer to ways of marketing that will help a company stand out from its competition.
The “noise” in this phrase refers to all of the promotions and advertising in today’s marketplace. In order to be “heard” through all of this noise, companies (or individuals) need to be creative in differentiating their messages so that they are heard.
tr.v. Informal, -lined, -lin·ing, -lines.
To remove or keep from active participation.