2022年4月10日 星期日

Sino-, Sinosphere, Sinitic, Semitic, -SIN(O)-, Sinusitis, Sino-sceptic partners,

The move suggests that collaboration in other areas, such as electronic warfare, might allow other Sino-sceptic partners, like India or Japan, to plug into AUKUS in the future

America, Australia and Britain will co-operate on hypersonic missiles
AUKUS evolves


Nobody loves them and many actively despise them. It is just as well that so many Chinese companies that listed in the US through reverse mergers are trying to get out. Closing this chapter in the story of corporate China’s growing engagement with the rest of the world cannot come soon enough.


鼻竇炎 (Sinusitis),正確的名稱為 副鼻竇炎 (paranasal sinusitis),副鼻竇乃臉部骨骼中充滿氣體的空腔,這些空腔內充滿著黏膜。副鼻竇炎乃指空腔中之黏膜腫脹及發炎
有許多不同的刺激原會造成副鼻竇炎,副鼻竇常發生於鼻傷風後,但並非全是如此。細菌病毒過敏也有可能是致病因。 English


Sinitic Religion 《論學談詩二十年:胡適楊聯陞往來書札》

胡適在與楊聯陞談論楊先生的關於"自搏和自撲" 的論文時
指出英國詩人丁尼生Tennyson 的作品 Saint Simoen Stylites有描述中古"聖徒"這方面的描述 (他推薦楊讀該詩)
並 定義他的中國宗教 (Sinitic Religion): Religious Taoism was originally a consolidated form of the native beliefs and practices. " 許多原帶地域性的信仰與儀式的結合"

《論學談詩二十年:胡適楊聯陞往來書札》台北:聯經 1998 pp.400-09

楊聯陞先生著作 (暫)

(sī-nĭt'ĭk, sĭ-) pronunciation
The branch of Sino-Tibetan that comprises Chinese.

[SIN(O)- + -itic (as in SEMITIC).]
Sinitic Si·nit'ic adj.
The adjective Sinitic has one meaning:
Meaning #1: of or relating to the Chinese people or their language or culture
Pertains to noun: Chinese (meaning #2)

(sə-mĭt'ĭk) pronunciation
  1. Of or relating to the Semites or their languages or cultures.
  2. Of, relating to, or constituting a subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic language group that includes Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Aramaic.
  1. The Semitic languages.
  2. Any one of the Semitic languages.
[New Latin Sēmiticus, from Sēmita, Semite, from Late Latin Sēm, Shem, eponymous ancestor of the Semites, from Greek, from Hebrew Šēm.]

Sinosphere - The New York Times


Insight, analysis and conversation about Chinese culture, media and politics.

East Asian cultural sphere - Wikipedia


The East Asian cultural sphere or Sinosphere refers to a grouping of countries and regions in East Asia that were historically influenced by the culture of China.


Pronunciation: /ˈsʌɪnəʊ/

combining form

  • Chinese; Chinese and ...:Sino-American
  •  relating to China.


from late Latin Sinae (see Sinitic)
