2022年4月8日 星期五

appease/pacify, “inhumane” , Humane Treatment / Living Condition, Of Human Bondage, Catholics on the left. lured with false promises of permanent-resident status and forced to live in inhumane conditions.

Conditions in America’s prisons were terrible even before the pandemic. Covid-19 has pushed the system close to collapse

America’s prison system is becoming more inhumane

 5) Humane Treatment There is to be no harsh and inhumane treatment, including any sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse of workers: nor is there to be the threat of any such treatment. 
人性化待遇: 不得對員工實施殘酷和不人道的待遇,包括任何性騷擾、性虐待、體罰、精神或身體脅迫、或者口頭辱駡工人;也不得威脅使用任何此類待遇。

Workers Sue Gulf Coast Company That Imported Them
A group of 500 foreign welders and pipefitters claimed they were lured with false promises of permanent-resident status and forced to live in inhumane conditions.

Rule Shift on Birth Control Is Concession to Obama Allies


The decision to soften a requirement that religious-affiliated organizations pay for insurance plans offering free birth control was meant to appease Catholics on the left - not bishops.

Government ready to appease Taiwan Philippine Star Taiwan recalled its de facto ambassador to the Philippines, Donald Lee, following what it considered an “inhumane” deportation of its “citizens” to China. ... 

Of Human Bondage
First edition
AuthorW. Somerset Maugham
PublisherGeorge H. Doran Company
Publication date
Media typePrint, hardback
LC ClassPR6025.A86 O4 1915


Maugham had borrowed the title of his book from Spinoza. Part IV of his Ethics is titled "Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions" (LatinDe servitute humana seu de affectuum viribus). In this part, Spinoza discusses people's inability to control their emotions which, thus, constitute bondage. He also defines good and bad categories based on the people's general beliefs, connecting it to their “emotions of pleasure or pain”. He defines perfectness/imperfectness starting out from the desire, in its meaning of particular aims and plans. Philip Carey, the main character of Of Human Bondage, was seeking this very useful end, and became satisfied only after realizing what his aim had been, and having found a person to share this aim with.

人間の絆』(にんげんのきずな、Of Human Bondage)は、イギリスの作家ウィリアム・サマセット・モームによって書かれ、1915年に発表された小説。

The digital rally #StandUpForUkraine kicks off today and has already drawn some of the biggest names in music, including Bruce Springsteen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day and Katy Perry. The Global Citizen campaign aims to bring together artists, athletes and global citizens from all around the world to use their voices to fight for refugees in Ukraine and in conflict areas globally.
可能是 1 人和顯示的文字是「 OW Everyone deserves safe and humane living conditions. Bruce Springsteen on the #StandUpForUkraine campaign ©Imago Images 」的圖像

  appease (ə-pēz') pronunciation tr.v., -peased, -peas·ing, -peas·es. 

 1. To bring peace, quiet, or calm to; soothe. 2. To satisfy or relieve: appease one's thirst. 3. To pacify or attempt to pacify (an enemy) by granting concessions, often at the expense of principle. See synonyms at pacify. [Middle English appesen, from Old French apesier : a-, to (from Latin ad-; see ad-) + pais, peace (from Latin pāx).] appeasable ap·peas'a·ble adj. appeasably ap·peas'a·bly adv. appeaser ap·peas'er n.
1 〈人を〉なだめる;…を静める, 落ち着かせる;〈苦痛などを〉やわらげる, 緩和する;〈のどのかわきを〉いやす, 〈空腹を〉満たす
appease one's thirst かわきをいやす.
2 〈相手国・その要求に〉譲歩する, と宥和(ゆうわ)する.
[古フランス語apaisier(a-へ+pais-平和+-ier不定詞語尾=平和にする). △PACIFY, PACIFIC
