2022年4月13日 星期三

forgetful, moments of forgetfulness, calculated serial liar, or merely an innocently forgetful man. a bonanza for historians and the merely curious.

We’re finding it difficult to recall simple things: names of friends and co-workers we haven't seen in a while, words that should come easily, even how to perform routine acts. Here's why.
Why We’re All Forgetting Things Right Now
Why We’re All Forgetting Things Right Now
Short, temporary moments of forgetfulness are happening to more of us mo

Seven Decades Later, the 1950 Census Bares Its Secrets

Federal law kept the answers on the census forms secret for 72 years. The forms go online on Friday, a bonanza for historians and the merely curious.

We need to shake off the nostalgia of a centenary's forgetful pomp and look at the first world war through fresh eyes – German eyes. For no other artists saw this dreadful war as clearly as German artists did. While British war artists, for example, were portraying the generals, Germans saw the skull in no man's land.

Source: Mark Twain : « A Connecticut Yankee » Chapter XVI
As we approached each other, I saw that he wore a plumed helmet, and seemed to be otherwise clothed in steel, but bore a curious addition also -- a stiff square garment like a herald's tabard. However, I had to smile at my own forgetfulness when I got nearer and read this sign on his tabard:
"Persimmon's Soap -- All the Prime-Donna Use It."

當我們相互接近時,我見到他戴著羽飾頭盔,穿的好像是鋼質衣服,還有古怪配件──像傳令官官服那種硬質的古板衣服。但是,我必須對自己的失態覺得好笑,因為等我更靠近時,才看清楚那官服 上的標誌:

Prosecution by Logic Defeats a Defense in Shades of Gray
The verdict centered on whether misstatements meant I. Lewis Libby was a calculated serial liar, or merely an innocently forgetful man.

Forgetful Angel
vergesslicher Engel

