2017年4月16日 星期日

sans, rake in, surpluses, in absentia, conferred in your absence, civil union

Tokyo signals U-turn on TPP, moves to activate trade pact sans U.S.

In an apparent shift, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga signals Tokyo plans to push forward talks for activating the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement without the United States.
Senator and presidential candidate John F. Kennedy (left) and his campaign manager, Robert Kennedy, confer in a hotel room during the Democratic National Convention, Los Angeles, July 1960. http://ti.me/1e3tRxp

(Photo: Hank Walker—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

But China is the only country in the world that keeps its only Nobel Peace Prize winner in jail. He is Liu Xiaobo, now serving out eleven years for “counter-revolution and subversion,” only the latest of his many sentences since Tiananmen in May 1989, just before the massacre, when I saw him telling thousands of young protestors that what they should be demanding was democracy. His real crime was organizing with others to publish their views on free speech and democracy, a serious crime in China. When Oslo held a ceremony for Liu in absentia, the Chinese government wrote to all the foreign ambassadors to Norway not to attend; seventeen obeyed and didn’t show up. Dozens of lawyers who defended dissidents like Liu, other dissidents, many of them unknown to most of us, also languish behind bars.

 Google settles copyright dispute with Belgium newspapers | Internet & Media ...
Google complied with the order, but the two parties engaged in talks that finally brought back the papers' search results, sans cached content. After the organizations came to that agreement, the case continued on in Belgian appeals court. After the ...

Blogger, Sans Pajamas, Rakes Muck and a Prize
Cited for its reporting on the firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the political blog Talking Points Memo became the first Internet-only news operation to win the George Polk Award.

sans pain

Aiding Disabled, Nonprofits Rake in State Money

New York reimburses nonprofit providers for home care for the developmentally disabled at such beneficial rates that it has led to multimillion-dollar surpluses and eye-popping salaries.
In absentia, conferred in your absence

We have already informed Mr. Clifton that you wish the degree to be conferred in your absence.


Civil Unions Gain Favor in France

Conferring most of the benefits and legal protections of marriage, civil unions are increasingly preferred by French couples like Sophie Lazrrao and Thierry Galissant.

civil union
A legal union of a same-sex couple, sanctioned by a civil authority.)
William Daniels for The New York Times

(kən-fûr') pronunciation

v., -ferred, -fer·ring, -fers. v.tr.
  1. To bestow (an honor, for example): conferred a medal on the hero; conferred an honorary degree on her.
  2. To invest with (a characteristic, for example): a carefully worded statement that conferred an aura of credibility.
To meet in order to deliberate together or compare views; consult: conferred with her attorney.

[Latin cōnferre : com-, com- + ferre, to bring.]
conferment con·fer'ment or con·fer'ral n.
conferrable con·fer'ra·ble adj.
conferrer con·fer'rer n.

In absentia
is Latin for "in the absence". In legal use it usually pertains to a defendant's right to be present in court proceedings in a criminal trial.


(sănz, säN) pronunciation

[Middle English, from Old French, blend of Latin sine, without and absentiā, in the absence of, ablative of absentia, absence, from absēns, absent-, present participle of abesse, to be away. See absent.]

[前]…なしに, …がなくて
sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything
歯もなく, 目もなく, 味もなく, 何もかもなく〈Shak. 〉(▼現在では次のように用いる:sans drinkcash]酒[現金]がなくて/sans girlfriends女友だちがいなくて)
(go) sans hubby

(rāk) pronunciation
  1. A long-handled implement with a row of projecting teeth at its head, used especially to gather leaves or to loosen or smooth earth.
  2. A device that resembles such an implement.

v., raked, rak·ing, rakes. v.tr.
  1. To gather or move with or as if with a rake: rake leaves; rake in the gambling chips.
  2. To smooth, scrape, or loosen with a rake or similar implement: rake the soil for planting.
  3. Informal. To gain in abundance. Often used with in: a successful company that raked in the profits.
  4. To search or examine thoroughly; ransack.
  5. To scrape; scratch.
  6. To aim heavy gunfire along the length of.
  1. To use a rake.
  2. To conduct a thorough search: raked through the files for the misplaced letter.
