2017年4月6日 星期四

promptness,unprompted, untrustworthy, cringeworthy, disproportionately, antisocial, can't catch a break, ASBO, paywall, Neet, down payment,cringe, cringworthy

'It's Africa, not another planet'

British Ebola survivor calls Band Aid 30 'cringeworthy'


Tesco just can't catch a break

Tesco store in Cambridge 'on verge of receiving 'asbo' from City Council'

A Tesco store in Cambridge is close to being slapped with a community protection notice (CPN) – formerly an Asbo – after it reportedly riled the...


Chief Superintendent Mark Collins: 'The granting of an asbo against Jordan Horner sends a clear message that extremist behaviour will not be tolerated on our streets'

Muslim convert who agitated for sharia state in UK given groundbreaking asbo

The Worst Sounds in the Universe, as Proven by Science

By Tim Newcomb
Prepare to cringe. Nails on a chalkboard has company.

Help With a Down Payment

The biggest barrier to buying a home these days is saving for the down payment, according to a recent survey published by Trulia.

Clegg: We had to make early cuts
The Lib Dem leadership is being urged by party members to ensure spending cuts do not hit the poor "disproportionately", after Nick Clegg said...

Analysis of crime data generated by nearly 5,000 British Muslims reveals few differences between Muslims and non-Muslims in relation to a range of violent personal crime including assaults, wounding and threats – the types of crime that scholarly literature, media reports and anecdotal evidence all suggest have disproportionately affected Muslim communities.


Crime data research throws new light on British Muslim communities
Muslim communities may not be as victimised by violent crime, or as...

Sitting inside her small tobacco shop in the Toranomon neighborhood, Mitsuko Watanabe, 80, also pointed to selfishness and untrustworthy leaders as factors undermining Japanese society.
“When a country’s leaders are bad, natural disasters occur,” she said and, unprompted, referred to the governor. “I’m not Shintaro, but I think divine punishment isn’t wrong.”

「精確,精確,精確!」(Accuracy, Accuracy, Accuracy!),「即時,謙恭,誠懇!」(Promptness, Courtesy, Geniality!)
當然,標語早已隨該報倒閉而灰飛煙滅,今天的媒體更沒把這些字眼──除了「即時」二字──放在心上了。但讀者真的不再需要精確,不再想看謙恭與誠懇的媒體了嗎? 如果今天的媒體要在自家牆上貼標語,會貼什麼呢? 是社群、互動、分享,還是按讚數、點閱率、大數據?....


Line breaks: dis|pro¦por¦tion|ate
Pronunciation: /ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːʃ(ə)nət/


Too large or too small in comparison with something else:people on lower incomes spend a disproportionateamount of their income on fuelpersistent offenders were given sentences that were disproportionate to the offences they had committed


dówn páyment[dówn páyment]
[C][U](分割払いの)頭金, (…の)手付け金((on ...)). ▼((米略式))でdown
make a down payment of 100 dollars on the car

nternet makes mark on dictionary
BBC News
Nearly a quarter of the words added to the new edition of the Chambers Dictionary come from internet culture. The cloud, paywall and tweet are all included, a "clear indication" of the influence of the web on language, publishers Chambers Harrap says. ...

Nearly a quarter of the words added to the new edition of the Chambers Dictionary come from internet culture.
The cloud, paywall and tweet are all included, a "clear indication" of the influence of the web on language, publishers Chambers Harrap says.
The recession and climate change also make a mark with quantitative easing, double-dip, and carbon offsetting among the 200 new words and phrases.
Big society and sexting were judged not to have passed the "test of time".
But they are "possible candidates for the next edition", Chambers Harrap added.
Business euphemisms
The 12th edition of the single volume edition of Chambers Dictionary, which was first published in 1901, contains 620,000 words and definitions.
The new words "herald a wave of geek chic, a more strident green agenda, and the way in which the recession has shaped how we speak today," says the publisher.
Among the other environmental words to be included are upcycle, the practise of turning waste into higher value products, and precycle - avoiding unnecessary waste by buying products with minimal packaging.
National treasure, Neet, man flu, crowdsourcing, paywall and staycation all also merit inclusion for the first time.
The MPs' expenses scandal has ensured flipping was included while the massive US government bailout of companies during the financial crisis - the Troubled Assets Relief Program - saw TARP make the pages.
And there is room for abbreviations popularised by use in emails and on social networking sites such as OMG and BFF - best friend forever.
Chambers Harrap said the new dictionary takes a hard line on "cringeworthy and cliched" English and business euphemisms, citing roadmap, tsar, joined-up, and sea change as among 52 words and phrases to avoid.
David Swarbrick, managing director of Chambers, said: "With topical words like Neet and even kakistocracy - defined as government by the worst - the dictionary holds up a mirror to life today.
"But just as important is the call made for us all to cut down on befuddling English."

A paywall (or pay wall) blocks access to a webpage with a screen requiring payment. Web sites that use them include some owned by periodical publications.[1]
Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/pay-wall#ixzz1WQBVMWLO

n acronym for British, informal not in education, employment, or training
A class of uber-chavs, they encompass a wide range of people, from the law abiding who have fallen on hard times, to the truly antisocial neighbours from hell... Aged between 16 and 24, they number 1.1 m and are responsible for a social and economic drag on society that is vastly disproportionate to their numbers. A study by the Department for Education and Skills conservatively estimates that each new Neet dropping out of education at 16 will cost taxpayers an average of £97,000 during their lifetime, with the worst costing more than £300,000 apiece (The Times)
(krĭnj) pronunciation
intr.v., cringed, cring·ing, cring·es.
  1. To shrink back, as in fear; cower.
  2. To behave in a servile way; fawn.
An act or instance of cringing.

[Middle English crengen, to bend haughtily, probably ultimately from Old English cringan, to give way.]


Line breaks: cringe|worthy
Pronunciation: /ˈkrɪndʒwəːði /

Definition of cringeworthy in English:


Causing feelings of embarrassment or awkwardness:the play’s cast was excellent, but the dialogue was
Line breaks: anti|social
Pronunciation: /antɪˈsəʊʃ(ə)l/


  • contrary to the laws and customs of society, in a way that causes annoyance and disapproval in others: children’s antisocial behaviour
    More example sentences
    • The UK government's obsession with tackling antisocial behaviour is making society even more lonely and fragmented.
    • She said the boy had already signed an antisocial behaviour contract, under which police and the authorities monitor his actions closely.
    • In contrast, the antisocial behaviour of children who did not have psychopathic tendencies was mainly influenced by environmental factors.
  • 1.1 Psychiatry sociopathic.

  • not sociable or wanting the company of others.




On the difference in use between antisocial, unsocial, and unsociable, see unsociable (usage).


Line breaks: ASBO
Pronunciation: /ˈazbəʊ/
noun (plural ASBOs)

  • a court order which can be obtained by local authorities in order to restrict the behaviour of a person likely to cause harm or distress to the public.


abbreviation of antisocial behaviour order.


IN BRIEF: adj. - Proceeding from natural feeling or impulse without external stimulus.
