2017年4月23日 星期日

false start, flying start, running start, starting line, finishing line,cross the line

BBC Wales News
👏 This is incredible! Swansea Harrier Matthew Rees helps a struggling runner cross the line at the #LondonMarathon

It’s possible that the United States decided to strike Syria during Trump’s dinner with Xi in part to show China that it would not hesitate to act unilaterally against North Korea. http://ow.ly/GJEu30aJejX

The first meeting between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping went smoothly, but the United States and China did little to advance bilateral relations—and...

false start
【スポーツ】フライング; 誤った第一歩.

flying start
n. In both senses also called running start.
  1. Sports. A racing start in which the contestants are already in full motion when they cross the starting line.
  2. A quick or auspicious beginning.
An initial advantage, as in His background in biochemistry gave him a running start in the field of genetics. This expression alludes to track events such as the running broad jump, in which one begins moving before reaching the actual take-off point. [1920s] Also see under get off the ground.


In sailing, the race committee decides at the preparatory signal (usually 4 minutes before the start) what the rules on false starting will be by display the P, I, Z or Black Flags.
A P Flag means any boat on the course side (OCS) of the start line at the starting signal must return, clear the start line and then re-start. The I Flag means a boat which is OCS must round either end of the start line by coming back to the pre-start side and then re-starting (the 'round the ends' rule). The Z Flag means a boat which is OCS in the minute leading up to the start or at the start itself is given a 20% scoring penalty. The Black Flag means a boat which is OCS in the minute leading up to the start or at the start itself is disqualified.
Failing to return to start correctly under the P or I Flag rules means the boat is scored OCS and receives points equivalent to disqualification.
