2017年4月6日 星期四

All in favor...Voice vote, Manspreading,air fields, Government by proxy

Government by proxy, Network government
Air Force, air fields,aerodrome/ airdrome
在敘利亞反叛力量控制的城市遭到據懷疑是化學武器的攻擊後,美國對敘利亞空軍基地發動了導彈襲擊。 http://bbc.in/2oKOayn
Manspreading, or man-sitting,

All In Favor | Definition of All In Favor by Merriam-Webster


Define all in favor: —used before a vote (as by voice or show of hands) on some specified issue to prompt the act of… — all in favor in a sentence.

Voice vote - Wikipedia


In parliamentary procedure, a voice vote is a voting method in deliberative assemblies (such as ... chair of the assembly will put the question to the assembly, asking first for all those in favor of the motion to indicate so verbally ("aye" or "yes"), ...

All in favor...?

A joint bid from the US, Canada and Mexico to host the 2026 World Cup is expected to be finalised this year, according to Victor Montagliani, the Concacaf president
