2017年3月14日 星期二

quip, canonise, exculpate, volunteer, marching order

“We have two sayings,” he quoted Foreign Minister Qiao Guanhua telling Kissinger at one meeting in New York in 1976. “One is that when we are the host, we should let the guests begin. And the other is that when we are guests, we should defer to the host.”
Kissinger laughed off the quip, then proceeded to volunteer: “I will be glad to start.”

The first thing oncology nurse Pete Linkroum always asks his patients: "How are you doing?"
"I'm killin' it," replied a new patient one day, a young girl.
"Killin' it?" Linkroum echoed.
"Yeah—I'm killin' it, because otherwise, it's killin' me," the patient quipped.

For patients in tough situations, sometimes the best thing is cracking wise

Business is good for you

Mr Gates had the good fortune to be perfectly suited for his time—but he is less well-equipped for the collaborative and fragmented era of internet computing. This does not diminish his achievement. Nor, as some would have it, does his philanthropy necessarily magnify it. Whatever the corporate-social-responsibility gurus say, business is a force for good in itself: its most useful contribution to society is making profits and products.

Philanthropy no more canonises the good businessman than it exculpates the bad. In spite of his flaws, Mr Gates is one of the good kind. Some great industrialists, like Henry Ford, stick around even as the world moves on and their powers fail. Mr Gates, pragmatic to the end, is leaving at the top.

canonization:列入聖品;列入聖人級;宣佈為聖;宣聖;列品:教宗隆重聲明某些足為教會楷模者已升天國,並應接受教會的尊敬、榮耀和讚譽。申 請列品案件首先將候選人之言行、著作、聲譽、奇蹟(殉道者免)等項目交由主教審斷,經調查屬實後,送交聖座,再經專案小組審查,最後由教宗做裁決,宣佈其 為「真福」,可供某地區或某團體敬禮及慶賀。接著可更上一層樓,將此真福者案件送交聖座重新審查,經審查合格(非殉道者需要兩個奇蹟)後,經教宗裁決可宣 佈此真福為「聖人」,可供全球教會敬禮及慶祝。1983年2月7日教宗若望保祿二世頒佈了新的宣聖宗座憲令,聖部法令亦於同日頒佈。參閱 beatification。

A Parade Veteran Still Loves His Marching Orders

(1997 photo courtesy of Charlie Brotman) With all this talk of change, you might wonder if the irrepressible Charlie Brotman had announced his last inaugural parade. But no! The 81-year-old PR man and former voice of the Washington Senators will be back Jan. 20, binoculars in hand, as part of the...
(Reliable Source, washingtonpost.com)


Pronunciation: /kwɪp/ 


1A witty remark:Peter ate heartily with a quip about being a condemned man
1.1archaic A play on words:tricks of controversy and quips of law

VERB (quipsquippingquipped)

Make a witty remark:[WITH DIRECT SPEECH]: ‘Flattery will get you nowhere,’ she quipped


Pronunciation: /ˈkwɪpstə/ 


Mid 16th century: perhaps from Latin quippe 'indeed, forsooth'.

marching order
Be ordered to move on or proceed; also, be dismissed from a job. For example, The sales force got their marching orders yesterday, so now they'll be on the road with the new product, or It's too bad about Jack--the boss gave him his marching orders Friday. This expression originally alluded to a military command. [Colloquial; late 1700s]

marching orders plural noun (US USUALLY walking papersINFORMAL
If you give someone their marching orders, you ask them to leave a place or a job because they have done something wrong:
Three players got their marching orders last week.
She was called into the boss's office and given her marching orders

Orders to move on or depart.

US Military Dictionary:

marching order

Equipment for marching: they were dressed in full marching order.


(ĕk'skəl-pāt', ĭk-skŭl'-) pronunciation

tr.v., -pat·ed, -pat·ing, -pates.
To clear of guilt or blame.
[Medieval Latin exculpāre, exculpāt- : Latin ex-, ex- + Latin culpa, guilt.]

Bill Gates
