2017年3月11日 星期六

updater, timely, timeliness, real time update,

Samuel Freeman reviews three new books on the lives and ideas of Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Walter Benjamin and other members of the Frankfurt School, whose indictment of capitalism’s alliance with authoritarianism “may have a new timeliness.”

Microsoft Testing Windows 7 Updater
Tom's Guide - Culver City,CA,USA
By Kevin Parrish, published on February 23, 2009 at 7:10 AM Apparently, Microsoft will commence testing on the Windows 7 Beta updating mechanism this week, ...

我寫了這篇關於real time 中文翻譯的批評:

評論: 不懂 real time 如何了解AA公司(亡)之知識系統

有一案例,可以讓我們了解大公司的稽核專案如何經營管理,英文摘要如附:「AA(丹麥)公司的知識管理:在即時時間與虛擬空間中構築財富」(INSEAD 1997,中文翻譯收入「過程再造、組織變革與績效改進」北京:中國人民大學,2001,pp141-159)原文:DUTTA S. & DE MEYER A.Knowledge Management at Arthur Andersen (Denmark): Building Assets in Real Time and in Virtual SpaceINSEAD Case 03/97-4653, 1997, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France. Abstract翻譯評論:大陸將副標題中的 “real time”誤譯為「現實時間」。讓人懷疑翻譯者對於這主題的了解:查Yahoo詞典:這real time (片語 phrase):(事件發生的)同時;真正的時間/ 【電腦】即時。

再想起來,我該查一下這名(形容)詞的緣起,就到 answers.com 去找相關的匯集:因為「即時」還有意思不太清楚。

"real time" 最先在1953年出現:Mathematical Tables & Other Aids to Computation
real time 意思是,電腦處理速度甚快,沒讓你發覺有延遲現象。
Pertaining to the timeliness of data or information that has been delayed only by the time required for electronic communication. This implies that there are no noticeable delays. (The Oxford Essential Dictionary of the U.S. Military.)

adjectivetimelier, timeliest.
occurring at a suitable time; seasonable; opportune; well-timed:
a timely warning.
Archaic. early.
seasonably; opportunely.
Archaic. early or soon.

real-time adjective
[before noun]describes computing systems that are able to deal with and use new information immediately and therefore influence or direct the actions of the objects supplying that information
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


...Business Systems - Not Really
The typical transaction processing system is not considered realtime even though it does update databases immediately. However, in the past, as business information systems became fast enough to respond to queries in only a second or two, they were sometimes called realtime systems. See online.
(---Computer Encyclopedia )

re·al time (rē'əl, rēl) n.
The actual time in which a physical process under computer study or control occurs.
The time required for a computer to solve a problem, measured from the time data are fed in to the time a solution is received.
(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2007, 2000 )


update Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to make something more modern or suitable for use now by adding new information or changing its design:
an updated version of the software

2 to give someone the most recent information:
We'll update you on this news story throughout the day.

update Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 when you update something or someone with new information:
Jo's just doing an update on the mailing list.
I'll need regular updates on your progress.

2 a new form of something which existed at an earlier time:
It's an update of an old 60's movie.

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