2017年3月28日 星期二

modality, modalities, physiology, colloid, face-smashing caper

A most un-Canadian caper

Dec 4th 2008 | OTTAWA
From Economist.com
Canada’s prime minister clings on to office, for the moment

The Toronto International Film Festival got going with a face-smashing, belly-laughing gangster caper from a director best known as Madonna’s husband.

"Religion works exactly like a drug—like cocaine, or methamphetamine—or like music, or like romantic love. The physiology is really the same."

It's like going off a drug.

Physiology is the study of normal function within living creatures. It is a sub-section of biology, covering a range of topics that include organs, anatomy, cells, biological compounds, and how they all interact to make life possible.Aug 12, 2016

Introduction to Physiology: History And Scope - Medical News Today

modality 之20世紀新義

查 Shorter O.E.D.,modality 這字眼,它在20世紀至少有三相關之新義:

一種(特別指不用藥的)治療的方法或技術,例如熱敷等等的 sensible modalities;


在政治或外交上的一種程序或方法(譬如說兩德之合併 The modalities of Germany unification must flow from the will of German people.)

modalities 【這是另外一本辭典之例】

The ceremonial forms, protocols, or conditions that surround formal agreements or negotiations: "[He] grew so enthusiastic about our prospects that he began to speculate on the modalities of signing" (Henry A. Kissinger).



A Jewish survivalist….tolerant of any modality of Jewish existence…identifiable Jewish.

  1. The fact, state, or quality of being modal.
  2. A tendency to conform to a general pattern or belong to a particular group or category.
  3. Logic. The classification of propositions on the basis of whether they assert or deny the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content. Also called mode.
  4. modalities The ceremonial forms, protocols, or conditions that surround formal agreements or negotiations: [He] grew so enthusiastic about our prospects that he began to speculate on the modalities of signing” (Henry A. Kissinger).
  5. Medicine. A therapeutic method or agent, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or electrotherapy, that involves the physical treatment of a disorder.
  6. Physiology. Any of the various types of sensation, such as vision or hearing.

  • 1. 様式(を有すること)
  • 2. 《論理学》〔様相論理学{ようそう ろんりがく}の〕様相{ようそう}◆【同】mood ; mode
  • 3. 《言語学》(叙)法性{ほうせい}
  • 4. 〔政治的交渉などの〕手順
  • 5. 《医》モダリティ◆X 線、超音波、MRI など、医療用画像における撮画手段

smash (SUCCESSFUL FILM/SONG) Show phonetics
noun [C]
an extremely popular and successful song, play or film:
This CD contains all the latest smash hits.
Her first movie was an international box-office smash.


  1. A playful leap or hop.
  2. A frivolous escapade or prank.
  3. Slang. An illegal plot or enterprise, especially one involving theft.


━━ vi., n. 跳ね回る(こと); 悪ふざけ; 〔俗〕 悪事, 犯罪行為.

 cut capers [a caper] 跳ね回る; ふざけ回る.


(kŏl'oid') pronunciation
n.膠體 膠狀 膠質
  1. Chemistry.
    1. A system in which finely divided particles, which are approximately 10 to 10,000 angstroms in size, are dispersed within a continuous medium in a manner that prevents them from being filtered easily or settled rapidly.
    2. The particulate matter so dispersed.
  2. Physiology. The gelatinous product of the thyroid gland, consisting mainly of thyroglobulin, which serves as the precursor and storage form of thyroid hormone.
  3. Pathology. Gelatinous material resulting from colloid degeneration in diseased tissue.
Of, relating to, containing, or having the nature of a colloid.
colloidal col·loi'dal (kə-loid'l, kŏ-) adj.
colloidally col·loi'dal·ly adv.

中垣 正幸氏(なかがき・まさゆき=京都大名誉教授・コロイ ド界面化学)23日午後6時13分、下いん頭がんのた め京都市北区の病院で死去、85歳。

コロイド - Wikipedia

コロイド(colloid)またはコロイド分散体(colloidal dispersion)は、一方が微小な液滴あるいは微粒子を形成し(分散相)、他方に分散した2組の相から構成された物質状態

colloid chemistry

(¦käl′öid ′kem·ə·strē) (physical chemistry) The scientific study of matter whose size is approximately 10 to 10,000 angstroms (1 to 1000 nanometers), and which exists as a suspension in a continuous medium, especially a liquid, solid, or gaseous substance.
