2017年3月17日 星期五

"Kerching!" perennially thorny bonuses, the Defender Versus the Disrupter

Merkel Meets Trump, the Defender Versus the Disrupter

Mr. Trump and Ms. Merkel made a show of working together, but they could not disguise the gulf that separates them on many thorny issues.

perennial (TIME) adjective
lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time:
The film 'White Christmas' is a perennial favourite.
We face the perennial problem of not having enough money.
Compare annual (EVERY YEAR); biennial.

She seems to be perennially short of money.thorny
adjective [before noun]
describes a problem or subject that is difficult to deal with:
He has now raised the thorny issue of taxation within the European Union.

Ker-chingThe perennially thorny issue of bankers' bonuses

The title of the show comes from Taj, Danny and Seymor's catchphrase "Kerching!", used when they make money through their business schemes.


《衛報》的一篇評論說,克維爾作為“流氓交易員”肯定是已經被載入史冊。但是人們現在還不清楚,他是不是應該為星期一全球 股市的暴跌負責。如果情況的確如此,那他的作用就更大了,因為星期一股市的暴跌又促使美國中央銀行采取了20多年來最大膽的降息措施。目前,金融界也在討 論這個問題。
