2017年3月12日 星期日

LINE, Google, Xerox, Perish the thought

Comment: "Professor Tian makes the astonishing claim that Hong Kong’s legal system 'deviates from what a modern legal system should be like.' I fear he thinks it should be more like China’s. Perish the thought," writes Tim Hamlett in response to a controversial article by mainland law Professor Tian Feilong.

Google, Xerox 全球通用;目前 LINE可能還限於台灣。

日前有位勞工假日常接到僱主用LINE傳訊交代工作,被解僱後索討加班費引發勞資爭議。新北市勞資爭議仲裁委員會以對話紀錄認定該勞工有加班事實,每則訊息至少算一分鐘加班費,裁決僱主須付2598元。勞動部警告業主,一例一休生效後,若休息日傳一則訊息要勞工加班,須付4小時加班費。--蘋論:LINE一下也要付加班費 2017年03月13日

perish the thought
phrase of perish
  1. 1.
    used, often ironically, to show that one finds a suggestion or idea completely ridiculous or unwelcome.
    "he wasn't out to get drunk—perish the thought!"
