2017年3月16日 星期四

outgrow, fashion victim, fashion, not-so-fashionabe, burl, outgrowth

When You Outgrow Your iCloud Storage
Every iCloud user gets five free gigabytes of server space from Apple, but when space gets tight, you either have to prune or pay.
A Federal Budget Crisis Months in the Planning


The confrontation that precipitated the current crisis was the outgrowth of a long-running effort to undo the health law since its passage in 2010.
Joining the Gypsy Caravan
The Gypsy style is increasingly prevalent, the outgrowth of a popular fascination with generic Romany culture.

1984那一年,我們說,George Orwell  的這本小說,終於到期了。太匆匆,20年之後,才知道那年也有一新字。
fashion victim (noun [C] someone who always wears very fashionable clothes even if the clothes sometimes make them look silly)
大哥Big Brotherfashion這工商界。
30幾年之後,有本小說叫 1Q84

(făsh'ən) pronunciation
  1. The prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior: out of fashion.
  2. Something, such as a garment, that is in the current mode: a swimsuit that is the latest fashion.
  3. The style characteristic of the social elite: a man of fashion.
    1. Manner or mode; way: Set the table in this fashion.
    2. A personal, often idiosyncratic manner: played the violin in his own curious fashion.
  4. Kind or variety; sort: people of all fashions.
  5. Shape or form; configuration.
tr.v., -ioned, -ion·ing, -ions.
  1. To give shape or form to; make: fashioned a table from a redwood burl.
  2. To train or influence into a particular state or character.
  3. To adapt, as to a purpose or an occasion; accommodate.
  4. Obsolete. To contrive.
after (or in) a fashion
  1. In some way or other, especially to a limited extent: She sings after a fashion.
[Middle English facioun, from Old French façon, appearance, manner, from Latin factiō, factiōn-, a making, from factus, past participle of facere, to make, do.]
fashioner fash'ion·er n.
SYNONYMS fashion, style, mode, vogue. These nouns refer to a prevailing or preferred manner of dress, adornment, behavior, or way of life at a given time. Fashion, the broadest term, usually refers to what accords with conventions adopted by polite society or by any culture or subculture: a time when long hair was the fashion. Style is sometimes used interchangeably with fashion, but like mode often stresses adherence to standards of elegance: traveling in style; miniskirts that were the mode in the late sixties. Vogue is applied to fashion that prevails widely and often suggests enthusiastic but short-lived acceptance: a video game that was in vogue a few years ago. See also synonyms at method.

(bûrl) pronunciation
  1. A knot, lump, or slub in yarn or cloth.
    1. A large rounded outgrowth on the trunk or branch of a tree.
    2. The wood cut from such an outgrowth, often used decoratively as a veneer.
tr.v., burled, burl·ing, burls.
To dress or finish (cloth) by removing knots, lumps, slubs, or loose threads.

[Middle English burle, from Old French bourle, tuft of wool, diminutive of bourre, coarse wool, from Late Latin burra, shaggy garment.]
burler burl'er n.

  • noun
  • something that grows out of something else:the eye first appears as an outgrowth from the brain
  • [mass noun] the process of growing out:with further outgrowth the radius and ulna develop
  • a natural development or result of something:the book is an imaginative outgrowth of practical criticism
1 自然の結果[成行き];派生物, 副産物.
2 伸び出ること, 成長.
3 伸び出たもの;側枝;こぶ.


Pronunciation: /aʊtˈgrəʊ/

verb (past outgrew; past participle outgrown)

[with object]
  • grow too big for:the cradle which Patrick had outgrown
  • stop doing or having an interest in (something) as one matures:by this time, I had outgrown my adolescent appetite for being shocked
  • grow faster or taller than:the more vigorous plants outgrow their weaker neighbours


outgrow one's strength

British become lanky and weak through excessively rapid growth.
