2008年7月2日(星期三)向晚(1840),匆匆趕去中山北路二段,原先計畫在蔡瑞月舞蹈研究社附近「啞行」、晚餐,不可能了。捷運上一直想 Pleases yield you seat to elderly, infirm passengers and women with children 是否是「敬請讓座老又弱婦孺」的正確翻譯:不太滿意。
領《人權之路》,據說2008的新版資料圖片更新八成。世煜兄等忙來忙去。今年的開幕舞蹈歌唱、致詞等都比去年的清新:我也才知道有愛國志士自焚海藏旗津外海之壯烈慘事。蔡女士談「知識份子-政治家與人權」---1981年在英倫聞鄉親….. 世煜兄是首批勸她「出馬」的,…她不忘世煜兄要她唸的台語訣,大意如「番薯落地不爛而將枝葉茂盛」…姚先生西裝畢挺談兩年前日內瓦聲請人權含衛生權所以台灣必須納入WHO(他說會議資料遭刪)……
參加綠島體驗營的,我記得談到Pandora's box,我總是節外生枝想起德國社會學家的「沒有學校的教育」中說的,Pandora's box 釋出的『希望』多為世人所淡忘(就那麼巧,《人權之路 2008版》收美麗島受難人受審的 last words,呂秀蓮女士說的正是:「重燃希望之火」(頁111))…..
Despite age and infirmity, the Ukrainian women who hand-roll dumplings for their church in New York's East Village soldier on.
soldier on phrasal verb
to continue doing something although it is difficult:
I admired the way she soldiered on when her business ran into trouble.
soldier on phrasal verb
to continue doing something although it is difficult:
I admired the way she soldiered on when her business ran into trouble.
golden ager
North American , euphemistic
infirm adjective FORMAL
ill or needing care, especially for long periods and often because of old age:
She was too elderly and infirm to remain at home.
the infirm plural noun
people who are ill for long periods:
The old and the infirm are the most susceptible to this disease.
noun [C or U] FORMAL
an advanced state of infirmity
She suffered from a long list of infirmities.
━━ a. 虚弱な; (意志などが)弱い ((of)); (根拠など)薄弱な.
in・fir・mi・ty━━ n. 虚弱; (普通pl.) 病気; (精神的な)欠点, 弱点.