2016年8月3日 星期三

horse race, one-horse race.One-horse shay, a crowded field of candidates

The one-horse shay is a light, covered two-wheeled carriage for two persons, drawn by a single horse. It is the American adaptation, originating in Union, Maine[1] of the French chaise, and is also known as a whisky as its owners tended to whisk about doing errands. The body is chairlike in shape and has one seat for passengers positioned above the axle, which is hung by leather braces from wooden springs connected to the shafts. Alternative spellings are one-hoss shay and "one horse shay".


a crowded field of candidates
Fred Thompson announced his long-expected bid for the presidency. The former Republican senator faces a crowded field of candidates.

group noun [S]
all the competitors taking part in a race or activity:
The race started with a field of eleven, but two horses fell.
We have a strong field this afternoon.
Once again, Jones finished ahead of the field.

verb [T]
to have or produce a team of people to take part in an activity or event:
The company fielded a group of experts to take part in the conference.

你曾聽過有人把選舉比喻成「賽馬」嗎?今天的「美國大選ABC」輪到了字母H,要介紹的是「horse race」(賽馬)。在美國,經常用賽馬來比喻競選活動,指的是媒體對於競選活動的報導方式,經常偏重候選人的民調排名,而非他們的政見,就好像這些候選人是賽馬一樣。更多有關美國選舉的資訊,請參考: http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/use.html‪#‎elections2016‬
Have you heard the election being referred to as a “horse race”? Today’s ‪#‎AtoZelections‬ phrase is a commonly used metaphor for the election campaign. The term refers to the way the media covers campaigns; they often emphasize the candidates’ standings in public-opinion polls (as if they were horses in a race) rather than the candidates’ stands on issues. Now you know. Learn more about elections at http://www.ait.org.tw/en/use.html.

horse race

Entry from US English dictionary


1A race between two or more horses ridden by jockeys.
2A very close contest:eight hours after the polls closed, the election was still a horse race

A one-horse race

Robert Mugabe will win his “election”, but he is under pressure to quit

Wikipedia article "One-horse shay".


━━ n. 〔話・方〕 =chaise.


━━ n. 2輪[4輪]軽装馬車.
chaise longue
 [F.] 長いす.
