2016年8月30日 星期二

nut, nuts, nutty, go nuts, nut job, SAPONIN, emphatic , mess (sth) up,

A year behind bars for Heather Cho, the daughter of the chairman of Korean Air, for her extraordinary melt-down over a packet of poorly-presented macadamia nuts. Ms Cho was also found guilty of committing acts of violence against a crew member, forcing him to kneel and hitting him with a service manual. The price of going nutshttp://econ.st/1E4tNtO

What is the cost of good service? Heather Cho is probably pondering that as she faces a year behind bars for her extraordinary melt-down over a packet of...

For some reason, Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google never got the memo explaining how everyone is supposed to be terrified of Microsoft. This drives Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer nuts. Ballmer, the blustery baldy who gleefully plays the role of technology's biggest villain and relishes his company's status as the world's most powerful software shop, has vowed for years that he will kill Google. But Google just keeps getting stronger. It's like they're taunting him!

"When you innovate, you've got to be prepared for everyone telling you you're nuts."Larry Ellison

InBev's corporate culture is focused heavily on cost controls, so some analysts think the company would take steps to slash Anheuser's hefty marketing budget, which could harm its brands. But Mr. Brito, InBev's chief executive, "is emphatic...that they would be nuts to mess up the business Anheuser has built," said Mr. Steinman. "The smart idea is to keep what's going right at A-B."

If someone told you that you could clean your clothes with nuts, you'd probably think they were ... well, nuts瘋子.
Yet although a packet of salty peanuts probably won't get your whites spanking clean, the saponin-containing husks of "Soapnuts," can be an eco-friendly substitute for laundry detergent.
(săp'ə-nĭn, sə-pō'-pronunciation
Any of various plant glucosides that form soapy lathers when mixed and agitated with water, used in detergents, foaming agents, and emulsifiers.

[From Latin sāpō, sāpōn-, hair dye, of Germanic origin.]


Nuttiness - definition of nuttiness by The Free Dictionary


Having a flavor like that of nuts: The wild turkey often has a nutty taste when cooked. 3. Slang Crazy; idiotic: a nutty idea. nut′ti·ly adv. nut′ti·ness n.

(nŭts) pronunciation Slang.
  1. Crazy; insane.
  2. Extremely enthusiastic: I'm nuts about opera.
Used to express contempt, disappointment, or refusal.

[From NUT.]

nut job

noun, orig US

A mad or crazy person. (1975 —) .

Muzik 'Electric Chicken'...is a vinyl-only bucket of weird beat Hot Wings, featuring international nut jobs like Japan's Himuro...and Solar X from Russia (2001).

mess (sth) up (SPOIL) phrasal verb [M] INFORMAL
to spoil or damage something, or to do something wrong or badly:
I feel I've messed up my chances of becoming a great singer.
He says that his divorce has really messed his life up.
You've really messed up this time.

  1. Crazy; insane.
  2. Extremely enthusiastic: I'm nuts about opera.
Used to express contempt, disappointment, or refusal.

[From NUT.]

nutsLine breaks: nuts


Definition of nuts in English:


Mad:the way he turns on the television as soon as he walks in drives me nuts


(often nuts to you (or him etc.))Back to top  
An expression of contempt or derision.


be nuts about (or British on)

Like very much:I was nuts about him
nut (PERSON) Show phonetics
1 a person who is mentally ill or who behaves in a very foolish or stupid or strange way:
What kind of nut would leave a car on a railway track?

2 someone who is extremely enthusiastic about a particular activity or thing:
Ian's a tennis nut - he plays every day.
See also nuts (FOOLISH).

nutty Show phonetics
adjective INFORMAL
crazy, foolish or strange:
She's got some nutty idea about setting up a school for cats.

nutter Show phonetics
someone who is crazy, foolish or strange:
He's a bit of a nutter.

emphasize Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 (UK USUALLY -ise) to show or state that something is particularly important or worth giving attention to:
[+ question word] I'd just like to emphasize how important it is for people to learn foreign languages.
[+ that] He emphasized that all the people taking part in the research were volunteers.
You can use italics or capitals to emphasize a word in a piece of writing.

2 to make something more obvious:
Tight jeans will only emphasize any extra weight that you are carrying.

emphasis Show phonetics
noun [C or U] plural emphases
1 the particular importance or attention that you give to something:
I think we should put as much emphasis on preventing disease as we do on curing it.
Schools here put/place/lay great emphasis on written work and grammar.

2 the extra force that you give to a word or part of a word when you are saying it:
The emphasis is on the final syllable.
Where do you put the emphasis in the word 'controversy'?

emphatic Show phonetics
done or said in a strong way and without any doubt:
Poland reached the final of the championship yesterday with an emphatic 5-0 victory over Italy.
The minister has issued an emphatic rejection of the accusation.

emphatically Show phonetics
Johnson has emphatically denied the allegations against him.

chest (BOX). reflect (SHOW), back taxes, back away

Apple Owes Billions in Back Taxes to Ireland, E.U. Says

The decision adds to tensions over how much companies should pay in countries where they do business.

The final prices include taxes and the commission paid to the auction house: 25 percent, excluding tax of the first $26,000; 20 percent, excluding tax from that amount up to $1.03 million; and 12 percent excluding tax on the rest. Presale estimates do not reflect commissions.

Boston Tea Party: American colonists dressed as natives threw over 300 chests of tea from British ships into Boston Harbor, protesting taxes and the Tea Act; the British response was the Intolerable Acts (1773)

Long-Lost Bach Composition Turns Up in Germany

The Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg in eastern Germany said
that a lost musical composition by Johann Sebastian Bach has been
discovered in a treasure chest of manuscripts.

The DW-WORLD Article

U.S. federal regulators are backing away from a plan that would have required television stations to air as many as a dozen public-service ads a day about the U.S.'s transition to digital television next year.

reflect (SHOW) 

verb [T]
to show, express or be a sign of something:
The statistics reflect a change in people's spending habits.

noun [C usually singular]
a sign or result of something:
The fact that soldiers are on the streets is a reflection of how terrified the government is.

back away (NOT SUPPORT) phrasal verb
to show that you do not support a plan or idea any more and do not want to be involved with it:
The government has backed away from plans to increase taxes.

back away (MOVE) phrasal verb
to move backwards away from something or someone, usually because you are frightened:
She saw that he had a gun and backed away.

chest (BOX)
noun [C] 可以查到裝茶等的確切體積
a large strong box, usually made of wood, which is used for storing valuable goods or possessions or for moving possessions from one place to another:
Her books and clothes were packed into chests and shipped across to Canada.


━━ n. (ふたのある)大箱; 金庫, 基金; 胸.
get … off one's chest (悩み・不満を)打ち明けてさっぱりする.
chest of drawers たんす.
chest・y ━━ a. 〔話〕 乳房の大きい; いばった; 〔英話〕 (結核性の)胸から出る(せきなど).

2016年8月29日 星期一

ensconce, late-from-the-gate, well-ensconced, slalom

Gene Wilder brought his signature manic energy to films such as "Blazing Saddles," "Young Frankenstein" and the role that forever ensconced him in the collective memory of a generation of children, "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory." He was 83.

In a previous piece about the GOP and anti-knowledge, Mike Lofgren described "how the Republican Party and its ideological allies in the fundamentalist churches have confected a comprehensive media-entertainment complex to attract low-information Americans and turn them into partisans."
In this one, he dissects the "official ideology of the governing class, an ideology that is neither specifically Democrat nor Republican. Domestically, whatever they might privately believe about essentially diversionary social issues ('rube bait') like abortion or gay marriage, they almost invariably believe in the 'Washington Consensus': financialization, outsourcing, privatization, deregulation and the commodification of labor."

The American ruling class is ensconced in the "Washington Consensus" and deaf to any evidence that challenges its worldview.

At Google, a Boost From E-Commerce

New York Times
By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER Google's strong fourth-quarter earnings proved that it is now firmly ensconced in e-commerce, and also showed that, with its Android ...
Like the Zune, it’s from a late-from-the-gat

e tech behemoth (Google in this case), and it is up against a well-ensconced, well-thought-out Apple product, the iPhone.

Hero started late from the gate but came from behind to edged out the win. Hero was lame following the race and it was apparent that the earlier foot injury ...

past tense: ensconced; past participle: ensconced
  1. establish or settle (someone) in a comfortable, safe place.
    "Agnes ensconced herself in their bedroom"

ensconce yourself 
to make yourself very comfortable or safe in a place or position:
After dinner, I ensconced myself in a deep armchair with a book.

adjective [after verb] LITERARY
positioned safely or comfortably somewhere:
The Prime Minister is now  ensconced iDowning Street with a large majority.

Sports. A passage between two upright poles through which a skier must go in a slalom race.

[名][U]((the 〜))(スキー・カヌーなどで)スラローム, 回転競技[レース].)

1 門;(柵(さく)・塀などにある)門扉(もんぴ), 木戸. ▼両開きを意味する場合はしばしばgatesとする.
2 (出)入口, 関門, 城門;((俗))(人の)口
a toll gate
3 門に似た狭い通路;水門;(パイプなどの)弁;山道;(スキー競技の)旗門, 関門.
4 [U](運動競技・演奏会などの)有料入場者(数);入場料(総額)(gate money).
5 (道路・鉄道の踏切などの)遮断機;(空港の)ゲート, 搭乗口.
6 《鋳造》(鋳型の)湯口;(鋳物の)脚.
7 《電子工学・電算》ゲート.
8 ((〜s))((英俗))(Oxford大学, Cambridge大学の)門限
break gates
9 ((米俗))解雇.
at the gate(s) of ...
crash the gate
get out of the gate
スタートする, 始める, 一歩を踏み出す.
get the gate
give a person the gate
((俗))〈婚約者・恋人などを〉振る, 拒絶する;〈人を〉追い出す;〈人を〉解雇する.
open a gate [the gate(s)] for ...
…に便宜を図る;…に機会を与える, 門戸を解放する.
out of the gate
しょっぱなに, すぐに, いきなり.
the gate of horn [ivory]
《ギリシャ神話》角[象牙]の門, 正夢[さか夢]の出る門.

Tokophobia, pregnant, caffeine intake, intake center, homeless services

Tokophobia is a pathological fear of pregnancy and can lead to avoidance of childbirth. It can be classified as primary or secondary. Primary is morbid fear of childbirth in a woman, who has no previous experience of pregnancy.

Tokophobia: A dread of pregnancy - NCBI - NIH

每日一詞 :吸貓吸狗,就是不想“吸小孩”
一名時報觀點作者在最近的文章中寫道:“有一個醫學術語來描述那些害怕懷孕的女性,即'恐育症( tokophobia )'。這個詞在字典中的意思是“對生孩子或懷孕的不正常恐懼”,由toko和phobia組成,tokos意為“生孩子”;phobia源自希臘語phobos,意指“恐懼”,常與其他詞組合用來指對特定事物的恐懼症,如acrophobia (恐高症)、 xenophobia (外國人恐懼症)等。


"It didn't eliminate the lack of affordable housing. It didn't eliminate poverty. It didn't eliminate domestic violence."
STEVEN BANKS, the commissioner of the New York City Department of Social Services overseeing homeless services, on a 1999 order meant to keep families with children from sleeping at an intake center in the Bronx.
A new $65.5 million homeless intake center has opened on 151st Street in the Bronx on the site of the infamous Emergency Assistance Unit, which was known for its inhumane conditions and was torn down in 2006.
At a ribbon cutting for the new facility Wednesday, Bronx City Council member Annabel Palma became emotional as she recalled how she had gone to the old facility seeking shelter 15 years ago but ended up leaving because of the conditions. 

"When people walk into a place looking for help they don't want to be dehumanized and the old building did that to people like myself and people in the community," Palma said.
The seven-story facility includes child-friendly waiting rooms, storage for personal belongings and electronic signs that keep track of who has been served. 
After the old facility was torn down, the city started conducting intake for homeless families at a nearby building on Powers Avenue. The Department of Homeless Services said that site is now being used as extra office space
Pregnancy Problems Tied to Caffeine

A new study suggests that pregnant women may want to reduce their caffeine intake or cut it out entirely.

WNYC is the trademark, and a set of call letters shared by a pair of non-profit, noncommercial, public radio stations located in New York City. New York Public Radio formerly did business as WNYC RADIO until March 2013. Wikipedia

pregnant (FEMALE)
(of a woman and some female animals) having young developing inside the womb:
She's five and a half months pregnant.
My mother stopped smoking when she became pregnant.
He believes that men who get (= make) young girls pregnant should be severely punished.
My sister is pregnant with twins.

noun [C or U]
Most women feel sick in the mornings during their first months of pregnancy.
My first pregnancy was very straightforward - there were no complications.intake (AMOUNT)
noun [U]
the amount of a particular substance which is eaten or drunk during a particular time:
It says on the packet that four slices of this bread contains one half of your recommended daily intake of fibre.

dictum, sesquipedality/sesquicentennial /move beyond the history

Nigel Farage joined Donald Trump on stage in Jackson, Miss., last week.


The Trump-Farage Road Show


As Brexit showed, this is an age whose winning political dictum is: Disruption at any cost.

War and Peace is 150 this year. Sadie Stein on the history of its publication: http://bit.ly/1DCmtFS

2015 marks the sesquicentennial for Tolstoy’s classic—depending on how you count.

Taiwan, China Warily Celebrate Centennial
Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou urged China's government on Monday to pursue democracy and respect his island's self-governance as the two sides mark the centennial of a revolution that ended 2000 years of imperial Chinese rule. Both Taiwan and China ...

China's president urges unification with rival Taiwan, heal past wounds
Washington Post
By AP, BEIJING — China's president on Sunday used the centennial of a revolution that ended imperial rule to make an appeal to further relations with Taiwan, saying they should move beyond the history that divides them and focus on common economic and ...

  1. a formal pronouncement from an authoritative source.
    "the dicta of High Court Judges"
    • a short statement that expresses a general truth or principle.
      "the old dictum ‘might is right’"

sesquipedality (ses-kwi-pi-DAL-i-tee)

noun: The practice of using long words.

From Latin sesqui- (one and a half) + ped- (foot). First recorded use: 1759.

Literally speaking, sesquipedality is using words that are one and a half feet long. A related word is sesquicentennial (150th anniversary). Nothing wrong with using a sesquipedalian word once in a while, if it fits, but it's best to avoid too many long, polysyllabic words. This dictum doesn't apply to German speakers though, as Mark Twain once observed, "Some German words are so long that they have a perspective." There's a bean subspecies commonly known as a yardlong bean. It's really misnamed as it "only" half a yard long. Its scientific name, Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis, is more precise.
"The stories in Oblivion comprise relatively straightforward prose, with textual play and sesquipedality trimmed to the bone." — Tim Feeney; Oblivion; Review of Contemporary Fiction; Jul 2004.


Line breaks: ses¦qui|cen¦ten|nial
Pronunciation: /ˌsɛskwɪsɛnˈtɛnɪəl /

Definition of sesquicentennial in English:


Relating to a sesquicentenary:as the town’s sesquicentennial celebrations get under way


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sesquicentenary:the Texas Sesquicentennial was just two years away

2016年8月28日 星期日

imply, loyal opposition, unlawfully killed

Japan Pension Giant's Losses Imply a $53 Billion Stock Splurge
The world's biggest pension fund has room for a Japan stock shopping spree after the value of its investments tumbled last quarter. The $1.3 trillion ...

Princess Diana unlawfully killed

Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed due to the actions of paparazzi and driver Henri Paul, an inquest jury finds


(This entry contains information applicable to United States law only.)
Contrary to or unauthorized by law; illegal.
When applied to promises, agreements, or contracts, the term denotes that such agreements have no legal effect. The law disapproves of such conduct because it is immoral or contrary to public policy. Unlawful does not necessarily imply criminality, although the term is sufficiently broad to include it.

  1. indicate the truth or existence of (something) by suggestion rather than explicit reference.
    "salesmen who use jargon to imply superior knowledge"
    synonyms:implicitindirect, hinted, suggested, insinuated, deducible, inferred, understoodMore
    • (of a fact or occurrence) suggest (something) as a logical consequence.
      "the forecasted traffic increase implied more roads and more air pollution"



Loyal opposition is the concept that one can be opposed to the actions of the government or ruling party of the day without being opposed to the constitution of the political system.
In the United Kingdom and many other Commonwealth countries the leader of the party possessing the largest number of seats in Parliament whilst not forming part of the government is termed "The Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition". Their constitutional function is to scrutinise government legislation and actions. Whilst frequently opposing Her Majesty's Government at every turn, the leader of the opposition is not opposed to Her Majesty's right to the throne.
This is an important difference between the developed constitutional monarchy of the 18th century onwards and the previous squabbles between competing candidates for the throne supported by different religious and economic groups.
Most developed political systems have a similar concept though without the British terminology. Parties acknowledge the constitutional system in which they operate, including the procedures to change the constitution itself. A change of government can take place without revolution and without revolutionary implications.
In the United States, the most common application of the term is to refer to the major political party, such as the Democratic Party or Republican Party, which does not hold the office of President during time of war, most notably the Republican Party during World War II, implying an obligation for said party to cooperate fully and without reservation in the war effort. It is rarely if ever used in the United States during peacetime.

但在韩国国内也有批评的声音,认为卢武铉应当直面司法裁决。一家韩国报纸评论认说,一位律师出身的总统选择了这样一种极端的方式面对司法质询,令人失望。卢武铉是韩国第三位受到贪污指控的卸任总统。前总统卢武铉之死震惊韩国Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 前总统卢武铉之死震惊韩国
作者:AP, AFP/苗子