2024年5月7日 星期二

tryst, between the sheets, trist trope, minstrel show, jongleur, troubadour, bard, trouvaille. Recounted at Trial, the Story of a Tryst That Could Shape U.S. History

Prague's tryst with Taipei sees Shanghai spurned in sister city love triangle
(CNN) The Czech capital of Prague has waded into China-Taiwan relations, partnering up with Taipei in a geopolitical love triangle that has left ...
(CNN)The Czech capital of Prague has waded into China-Taiwan relations, partnering up with Taipei in a geopolitical love triangle that has left Shanghai feeling spurned.
Prague signed a sister city agreement with Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, on Monday -- an agreement that deepened and reinforced their relationship by pledging cooperation in areas including tourism and education.
Sister city agreements formalize relationships between cities, and often bring mutual benefits like special trade or educational exchanges.
    The Prague-Taipei agreement was a snub to China, which considers the self-governing island of Taiwan as part of its territory and comes down hard on any suggestions to the contrary.
    China's response was swift and furious. On Tuesday, Shanghai -- which was also a sister city with Prague -- cut all ties and suspended official contact, according to a strongly-worded statement from the city government's foreign affairs department.
    Prague has "grossly interfered in China's internal affairs, and openly challenged the One China principle," said the statement, referring to China's stance that Taiwan is part of China. "The Shanghai Municipal Government and citizens strongly condemn and solemnly protest!"

    How the Prague-China relationship soured

    What we've learned from years of hot-tub parties and under-the-sheets trysts.

    The reality series continues to select test subjects who illuminate some aspect of humanity. But what, exactly, is being illuminated?

    Genji’s moonlit trysts and complicated court intrigues have been supplying Japanese artists with inspiration and material through the ages, and the poet Ryutei Tanehiko (1783-1842) tapped into that tradition in 1829, when he began publishing “A Rustic Genji” as an illustrated serial — do we dare call it an early manga? His “Nise Murasaki Inaka Genji” became a runaway success.

    Connick gave the performance a zero score and told them that if it had been done in the United States it would have been pulled off the air.
    Blackface was a traditional trope of minstrel shows in the U.S. that dates to the 19th century. Whites playing stock black characters — usually offensive stereotypes meant to demean — rubbed coal, grease or shoe polish on their faces. Blackface performances are not common in Australia.

    Adverb; of or pertaining to sexual action; derived from the commonality of sexual encounters taking place in a bed "between the sheets"

    "Damn, I'd like to get her between the sheets."
    ---I would like to participate in a sexual encounter with her.

    "I don't like to talk about what goes on between the sheets."
    ---I do not enjoy discussing my sex life with others.

    "We'll settle this between the sheets."
    ---We will now engage in sexual intercourse to resolve our current conflict.


    • 発音記号[trúːbədɔ`ːr | -dùə]
    1 トルバドゥール:11-13世紀ごろ恋と騎士道を歌った南仏や北イタリアなどの吟遊詩人. ⇒TROUVÈRE
    2 吟遊詩人[楽人].

    1. 1.
      a private romantic rendezvous between lovers.
      "a moonlight tryst"
    1. 1.
      keep a private, romantic rendezvous with a lover.
      "a trysting place"

    v. t. 

    [imp. Triste.]
    To trust. [Obs.] Chaucer.
    [See Tryst.]
    1. Trust. [Obs.]
    2. A post, or station, in hunting. [Obs.] Chaucer.
    3. A secret meeting, or the place of such meeting; a tryst. See Tryst. [Obs.]
    George Douglas caused a trist to be set between him and the cardinal and four lords; at the which trist he and the cardinal agreed finally.
    Letter dated Sept., 1543.
    [F. triste, L. tristis.]
    Sad; sorrowful; gloomy. [Obs.] Fairfax.trope
    1. A figure of speech using words in nonliteral ways, such as a metaphor.
    2. A word or phrase interpolated as an embellishment in the sung parts of certain medieval liturgies.
    [Latin tropus, from Greek tropos, turn, figure of speech.]
    tropical trop'i·cal (trō'pĭ-kəl) adj.

    minstrel shown.
    A comic variety show of the 19th and early 20th centuries, usually featuring white actors in blackface.

    minstrel原指(中世紀的)吟遊詩人或滑稽歌舞藝人,如He was playing a banjo and garbed in a minstrel’s outfit.(他穿著滑稽藝人的服裝,手裡彈著五弦琴。)
    min·strel (mĭn'strəl) pronunciation
    1. A medieval entertainer who traveled from place to place, especially to sing and recite poetry.
      1. A lyric poet.
      2. A musician.
    2. A performer in a minstrel show.
    [Middle English minstral, from Old French menestrel, servant, entertainer, from Late Latin ministeriālis, official in the imperial household, from Latin ministerium, ministry. See ministry.]

    ミンストレル: Minstrel)は、中世ヨーロッパにおいて宮廷に仕えた職業芸人達の事を指す。また現代に於いては、ジョングルールと共に吟遊詩人を表す言葉として使われる事も多い。
    フランス語では、メネストレル(Ménestrel)と言い、ラテン語の「召使い」「奴隷」を意味するミニステリアリス(ministerialis)に由来するとされる。 しばしばジョングルールと混同して使用されるが、大方は宮廷等に仕える身分になったジョングルールと解釈されている。彼らは雇い主の宮廷に所属して、祝宴だけでなく日々の食事時の余興などに芸(多くは音楽であった)を披露して座を盛り上げる存在であった。

    ジョングルール ( jongleur) は主にフランスにおける「大道芸人」の事。中世フランスに現れ、各地を遍歴して民衆文化の伝播や伝承の担い手としての役目をはたした。現代でも大道芸人を指す言葉として生きている。また現代に於いてはミンストレルと共に吟遊詩人を表す言葉として使われる事も多い。

    • 発音記号[dʒɑ'ŋglər | dʒɔ'ŋ-]


    拼音:lú, 笔画:11 舻的笔顺:33541421513 部首:舟 五笔:teh tehn
    艫  lú

    "筆 舻"應該是香港等地的在書首"題簽"....?

    Tales of Beedle The Bard

    「哈仔母親」羅琳自推出《哈利波特——死神的聖物》 第7集結局篇後,又完成了第一本並非以「哈仔」為主角的童話故事《The Tales of Beedle the Bard》,不過此書寫的仍是與《哈7》有密切關係、關於巫師世界的故事。新書屬限量版,全球只有7本,其中一本將於下月拍賣。
    The Tales of Beedle the Bard 是《哈7》故事情節中提到的一本童話書,它是霍格華茲魔法學院校長鄧不利多留給「哈仔」好友妙麗的禮物,書中留有線索,協助哈利波特找出3件能克服死亡的 聖物,打敗佛地魔。羅琳表示,此書是「《哈》系列主題的精髓,撰寫此書是告別我所愛的、生活了17年的(哈利波特)世界的最佳方式……它不是關 於哈利、榮恩和妙麗,卻來自他們的世界」。

    新書用啡色的摩洛哥山羊皮釘裝,鑲有銀及半寶石,包裝華麗。書上印有羅琳筆舻,還有她親手繪畫的插圖。全書共有5個故事,其中只有《三兄弟故事》(The Tale of the Three Brothers)曾在《哈7》講述。
    這 套童話故事現時只印了7本,其中一本將於下月13日由蘇富比拍賣行拍賣,底價3萬鎊(約6.2萬美元),估計拍賣價可高逾10萬美元。有關收益將撥捐羅琳 創立的「兒童之音」慈善機構,推動歐洲兒童權益。其他印本已當作禮物送出,不會公開發售。羅琳透露現正撰寫新書,「它是一本兒童書,目前現已完成了一半, 相信這會是我即將推出的新作」。羅琳早前「揭露」鄧不利多是同性戀者而引起風波,對此她說:「同性戀者能否當道德典範?我認為在21世紀問這種問題實在可 笑。」路透社/美聯社

    A very limited edition 限量版JK羅琳新書問世

    Tuesday, Nov 13, 2007,Page 14
    A page from The Tales of Beedle the Bard by JK Rowling, which will be auctioned in December 2007 to raise money for a children's charity.PHOTO: AP

    [名]1 (古代ケルト族の)吟唱詩人;(一般に)吟遊詩人(minstrel).2 ((文))(1) 詩人.(2) ((the B-))=Bard of Avon.[ケルト語から]bard・ic[形]
    Bard of Avon
    ((the 〜))エーボンの詩人:Shakespeareの異名;生地Stratford-on-Avonより.


    Etymology FrenchFrom trouver +‎ -aille


    • IPA: /tʁu.vaj/


    trouvaille f (plural trouvailles)
    1. find; lucky find
