2008年4月5日 星期六

Principality, factor


The estate of Castlewood, in Virginia, which was given to our ancestors by King Charles the First, as some return for the sacrifices made in his Majesty's cause by the Esmond family, lies in Westmoreland county, between the rivers Potomac and Rappahannock, and was once as great as an English Principality, though in the early times its revenues were but small. Indeed, for near eighty years after our forefathers possessed them, our plantations were in the hands of factors, who enriched themselves one after another, though a few scores of hogsheads of tobacco were all the produce that, for long after the Restoration, our family received from their Virginian estates.

The History of Henry Esmond, Esq.


━━ a. 主な, 最も重要な; 元金の.
━━ n. 長, 頭; 〔米〕 校長; 〔英〕 (大学の)学長; 社長, 会長; 主役; 主導者; 元金; 基本財産; 【法】(代理人に対し)本人; 主犯; (債務者の)第一(連帯)責任者; 【建】主材.
principal axis 【光】主軸.
principal boy 〔英〕 (パントマイムの)主役の男役を演じる女優.
principal clause 【文法】(複文中の)主節.
prin・ci・pal・i・ty ━━ n. 公国 ((princeの統治する国)); 〔英〕 (the P-) =Wales; princeの地位[権力]; (pl.) 第七位の天使.
prin・ci・pal・ly ━━ ad. 主として.
Principal Mutual Life Insurance プリンシパル・ミューチュアル・ライフ・インシュアランス ((米国の生命保険会社)).
principal parts (the ~) (動詞活用の)主要変化形.
principal plane 【光】主断面, 主平面.
principal point 【光】主点.


━━ n. 要素, 素因 ((in)); 【数】因数; 【機】係数; 【遺伝】(遺伝)因子; 代理人; 仲買人; 問屋; 〔スコットランド〕 土地差配人.
