MELROSE PARK, Ill. — Being inside a pinball machine factory sounds exactly as you think it would. Across a 40,000-square-foot warehouse here, a cheery cacophony of flippers flip, bells ding, bumpers bump and balls click in an endless, echoing loop. The quarter never runs out.
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Sally Ryan for The New York Times
Eddie Hivo, left, and Fernando Herrera checking a pinball machine at Stern Pinball Inc. in Melrose Park, Ill., the last company to mass produce the devices. More Photos »

Sally Ryan for The New York Times
Gary Stern says half of his company’s machines now go into homes and not a corner arcade. More Photos >
But this place, Stern Pinball Inc., is the last of its kind in the world. A range of companies once mass produced pinball machines, especially in the Chicago area, the one-time capital of the business. Now there is only Stern. And even the dinging and flipping here has slowed: Stern, which used to crank out 27,000 pinball machines each year, is down to around 10,000.
Wikipedia article "Pinball"彈珠台(英語:Pinball)是一種投幣式街機,利用金屬球與機械進行遊戲。後來也演變成電腦遊戲。
昨夜聽WQXR的Five Bagatelles for Guitar & Orch (arr Russ)(by Walton, Sir William),查單字Bagatelle,翻譯成小品曲或輕快小曲:一種輕快、幽默或古怪的短曲。例如貝多芬的「致愛麗絲」:他寫了一首《A小調巴加 泰勒》的小曲贈給她,還在樂譜上題上了“獻給特蕾... “。網路上有英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會招生曲目:5. Beethoven Bagatelle in C, Op.33 no.2…….
這“巴加泰勒”(Bagatelle)很意思,應是法文,義大利文為bagattella,意思為瑣事或無足輕重的小玩意兒。或微量(SMALL AMOUNT something, especially a sum of money, that is small and unimportant )。或一種又叫pinball的小球戲(a game in which small balls are hit, usually by a small rod on a spring which the player pulls, towards numbered holes on a board with a rounded end)。
「先生,書的標題義大利叫Le Bagatele。」(南京:譯林,原文如此,下冊第448頁)
「先生,書名原文叫Le Bagatelle。」(楊絳譯,台北:聯經,1988,第568頁。前文說:「這位先生把一本義大利文的書翻譯成咱們的西班牙文…….」)
楊絳譯本較屠孟超本好的地方不少,譬如說上文說Bagatelle處之翻譯。又,對於翻譯者自費出版二千本一事,楊先生翻譯為:「但願上帝保佑您一本萬 利。」屠孟超翻譯為:「但願上帝保佑您吉星高照。」沒有類似pun的趣味。另外一例為對於西班牙諺語「每頭豬都有他的聖馬丁日」的處理。
《堂吉訶德》楊絳譯 台北:聯經,1988
《堂吉訶德》屠孟超譯 南京:譯林,1995