━━ a. 法廷(弁論)の; 討論の.
forensic evidence 法医学的証拠.
forensic medicine 法医学.
forensic science (警察の)科学捜査法.
Spectrum | 16.04.2008 | 00:30
"Dr. Maggot" -- Germany's Best-Known Forensic Entomologist
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a forensic biologist? Modern television programs like Crime Scene Investigation, or CSI, would have us believe it’s a somewhat glamorous profession, full of exciting dilemmas to solve with immensely satisfying results. But those working in the field would speak of something different.
Dr. Mark Benecke is arguably Germany’s best-known forensic entomologist, but for very unique reasons. While his name might ring a bell, it’s his work with insects and corpses which has given him an international reputation in forensic science.
Our reporter, Laura Spurway, endeavored to find out exactly what it is that makes this man and his job so very different.