a bosom friend, in the bosom of sth, athwart, buxomy
Emilio Casarotto – artist behind buxomy female figurines | Auction Finds
Mar 13, 2015 - So I Googled the artist Emilio Casarotto (this is the precise spelling of his name) and indeed, I did find both black and white figurines – clothed, ...
As essays become op-eds and op-eds become blog posts, the Sidney Awards, which recognize long-form journalism and thought, stand athwart technology, yelling stop.
There's no phrase this week, as I am basking in the bosom of my family.
C.Y. Tung Diary and The World of C.Y. Tung have officially come out. The Chinese University Press and the Tung Foundation hosted a book launch ceremony at The Rotunda, Exchange Square I & II, Central, Hong Kong on 30 November 2004. The officiating guests included the honorable Mr. C.H. Tung, Chief Executive of the HKSAR and the eldest son of C.Y. Tung; Professor Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Professor Rayson Huang, a bosom friend of C.Y. Tung and former Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong. Friends from political, commercial, academic, publishing and media sectors were invited to share the joy.
《董浩雲日記》與《董浩雲的世界》正式出版,中文大學出版社與香港董氏慈善基金會於2004年11月30日假香港中環交易廣場第一、二座The Rotunda舉行出版酒會,敦請董浩雲長子、香港特別行政區行政長官董建華先生、香港中文大學校長劉遵義教授與及董浩雲生前好友、香港大學前任校長黃麗 松教授等蒞臨主禮,並廣邀政、商、學、出版、傳媒界友好光臨指導。
Budden having realized a moderate fortune by exercising the trade or
calling of a corn-chandler, and having a great predilection for the country,
had purchased a cottage in the vicinity of Stamford-hill, whither he retired
with the wife of his bosom, and his only son, Master Alexander Augustus
I mind how once we lay such a transparent summer morning,
How you settled your head athwart my hips and gently turn'd over
upon me,
And parted the shirt from my bosom-bone, and plunged your tongue
to my bare-stript heart,
And reach'd till you felt my beard, and reach'd till you held my
Mar 13, 2015 - So I Googled the artist Emilio Casarotto (this is the precise spelling of his name) and indeed, I did find both black and white figurines – clothed, ...C.Y. Tung Diary and The World of C.Y. Tung have officially come out. The Chinese University Press and the Tung Foundation hosted a book launch ceremony at The Rotunda, Exchange Square I & II, Central, Hong Kong on 30 November 2004. The officiating guests included the honorable Mr. C.H. Tung, Chief Executive of the HKSAR and the eldest son of C.Y. Tung; Professor Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Professor Rayson Huang, a bosom friend of C.Y. Tung and former Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong. Friends from political, commercial, academic, publishing and media sectors were invited to share the joy.
Definition of Buxomy
Babylon English
healthy, plump, cheerful (of a woman); having a large bosom (of a woman)
healthy, plump, cheerful (of a woman); having a large bosom (of a woman)
(bʊz'əm, bū'zəm)
- The chest of a human: He held the sleepy child to his bosom.
- A woman's breast or breasts.
- The part of a garment covering the chest or breasts.
- The security and closeness likened to being held in a warm familial embrace: We welcomed the stranger into the bosom of our family.
- The chest considered as the source of emotion.
Beloved; intimate: a bosom friend.
[Middle English, from Old English bōsm.]
in the bosom of sth FORMAL
If you are in the bosom of a group of people, especially your family, you are with them and protected and loved by them.
- From side to side; crosswise or transversely.
- So as to thwart, obstruct, or oppose; perversely.
- From one side to the other of; across: “the Stars that shoot athwart the Night” (Alexander Pope).
- Contrary to; against.
- Nautical. Across the course, line, or length of.

━━ ad., prep. (…を)横切って; 【海事】…の進路を横切って; …に逆らって.
ample Show phonetics
- The chest of a human: He held the sleepy child to his bosom.
- A woman's breast or breasts.

1 more than enough:
You'll have ample opportunity to ask questions after the talk.
There's ample evidence that the lawyer knew exactly what she was doing.
They had ample warning of the factory closure.
2 HUMOROUS If the shape of someone's body or part of their body is ample, it is large:
her ample bosom
His ample girth (= His big stomach) was clear evidence of his passion for food.
amply Show phonetics
They face a hard task, as yesterday's discussions amply (= clearly) demonstrated.
lead-time n.
The time between the initial stage of a project or policy and the appearance of results: a long lead-time in oil production because of the need for new exploration and drilling.
Lead Time
In terms of a supply chain, the total time needed for an order to be processed.
Investopedia Says:
Lead time starts when the order is received by the sales department and ends when the client pays the invoice.
Interval between placing an order and receiving delivery. For example, if it will take two weeks to receive a new delivery, the lead time is two weeks. See also Reorder Point.