2008年4月15日 星期二

multi-stop, Pope-mobile", take the heat off sb I

Many Catholics say it seemed much easier to see Pope Benedict's predecessor, John Paul II, who became a sensation, in part, for his open-air Masses on multistop trips in the U.S., including services in Chicago, Boston, Washington and New York that drew hundreds of thousands of people. Adela Ramos, of Silver Spring, Md., said that's how she first saw the pope in 1987, after camping out with her father in a Miami park. In truth, she says, "The only thing we could see was when the Popemobile came by."

Now we can help you find a multi-stop flight with one simple search. Simply fill
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Samsung Chairman Takes Heat
Samsung's chairman said he might pay a price after a prosecutor's probe of allegations of bribery and fraud at the conglomerate.

take the heat

  1. (idiom) To take the blame; to be the focus of anger or scrutiny; to take the consequences.
    If this decision turns out to be a bad one, I'll for it.
take the heat off sb INFORMAL
If someone or something takes the heat off you, they reduce the amount of criticism you have to deal with:
The deputy's resignation over the scandal has taken some of the heat off his superior.

"Pope-mobile" is an informal name for the specially designed automobile that is used by the Pope during public appearances.
