2008年4月25日 星期五

binding, kindergarten, anytime soon, palm oil

Wii Prices to Hold Steady, Nintendo Says
Nintendo doesn't plan to cut prices of its popular Wii gaming console or DS hand-held game system anytime soon, the company's president said.

"All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten." — Robert Fulghum

EU, Japan in climate change call
BBC News - UKLeaders of Japan and the European Union have called for "highly ambitious and binding" global targets to fight climate change. Leaders said the G8 summit of ...

4月21日,位於英國倫敦市區的“聯合利華”大樓附近,一群 “紅毛猩猩”突然出現,將路人嚇了一大跳。原來,這是綠色和平組織成員在舉行抗議活動,意在提醒採購商們,印尼的雨林正在因為棕櫚油產品的生產而遭到破壞,生活在那裏的猩猩則成了最終犧牲品之一。

WordNet: palm oil
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: oil from nuts of oil palms especially the African oil palm

Wikipedia article "Palm oil".

adjective(especially of an agreement) which cannot be legally avoided or

noun [C or U]1 MAINLY US the first year of school, for children aged 5
2 UK FOR nursery school

at a time which is not or does not need to be decided or agreed:
Call round to see me anytime.
US We don't expect the economic situation to change anytime soon.
