Here, allegedly, Bill Clinton didn’t inhale. Here, too, Bob Hawke most affirmatively did swallow a yard of ale (two and a half pints) in 11 seconds, securing a place in the Guinness World Records, as well as (later) the Australian premiership.
A Pub Crawl Through the Centuries
inhale Show phoneticsverb [I or T]
to breathe air, smoke, or gas into your lungs:
She flung open the window and inhaled deeply.
She became ill shortly after inhaling the fumes.
Compare exhale.
inhalation Show phonetics
noun [U]
Two firefighters were treated for smoke inhalation.
inhaler Show phonetics
noun [C]
a small device you use to breathe in particular medicines
premier (LEADER)
noun [C]
(especially used in news reports) the leader of the government of a country, or of a large part of a country