Rising Prices, Migrants and End of Covid Aid Fuel Rise in Homelessness
The number of people experiencing homelessness topped 770,000, an increase of more than 18 percent over last year.
What happens when a homeless couple moves in with a millionaire?
After living on the streets of California for a decade, Greg and Marie received a remarkable invitation. A local businessman asked if they wanted to share his $4 million home.
A year later, we #CutThroughTheNoise to reveal what happened next - and what the experiment tells us about America’s homelessness crisis.
Watch the full documentary here: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-51392390
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Oscar-winning British actor Helen Mirren has hit out against the "exponential rise in homelessness" as she prepared to sleep out in central London on Saturday as part of a global charity appeal to fight the scourge.
World's Big Sleep Out organisers were expecting more than 50,000 to take part globally in a bid to raise £38m to help rough sleepers.
“The elderly are actually signing up for Eats couriers,” Khosrowshahi told Bloomberg News. “Eats has been a huge success for us in Japan. It is going to be a very effective introduction to the Uber brand.”
BREAKING NEWS: French police have been told to erase their presence on social media and to carry their weapons at all times because terror sleeper cells have been activated over the last 24 hours in the country, a French police source who attended a briefing Saturday told CNN. http://cnn.it/17utyOe
Santa's other elves? No time to eat for China's busy courier workers
on Page 29:
"values underlying a way of life, as Charles Taylor points out, are only lightly open to "radical reflection." 4° They become incorporated in one's self identity ... "
"We have not made these proposed changes lightly and understand the impact they will have on our people," he added.
A Sleeper Scandal Awakens, Post-Election
A year ago, when the current Internal Revenue Service scandal that has swirled around Mr. Obama first emerged, Washington - and, apparently, the White House - shrugged.
Beckett's his role in the resistance, first as a courier, then later as a saboteur to the German army in France, continued throughout World War II. Still, he didn't allow the war to taint his affection for the country. Throughout his life, the writer returned to Berlin frequently, where he became close friends with his German translator Erika Tophoven and frequently staged his plays at the Schiller Theater.
The LoneStar is designed with such couples in mind, with its wood floor and kitchenette in the sleeper compartment.
“We designed the LoneStar’s environment to be both highly functional and comfortable,” Mr. Allendorph said, adding that in an average week “a truck driver may spend 120 hours in his or her truck.
“They want it to be their home away from home. Many of our customers don’t have a home at all; they have a P.O. box somewhere.”
Drawings of reclining nudes attributed to the British sculptor could be another "sleeper" revealed on the BBC's Fake or Fortune?
Drawings of reclining nudes attributed to the British sculptor could be another "sleeper" revealed on the BBC's Fake or Fortune?
Infants Strangled to Death in Simplicity Bassinets: CPSC Urges Consumers To Stop Using Simplicity 3-in-1 and 4-in-1 Convertible “Close-Sleeper” Models
An oblong basketlike bed for an infant.
[French, small basin, diminutive of bassin, basin, from Old French bacin. See basin.]
WordNet: bassinet
The noun has 2 meanings:Meaning #1: a basket (usually hooded) used as a baby's bed
Meaning #2: a perambulator that resembles a bassinet
WordNet: perambulator
The noun has one meaning:Meaning #1: a small carriage in which a baby or child is pushed around
Synonyms: baby buggy, baby carriage, pram, stroller, go-cart, pushchair, pusher
n. Chiefly British.
A baby carriage.
noun [C]a room where food is kept, prepared and cooked and where the dishes are washed:
We usually eat breakfast in the kitchen.
the kitchen table
a new fitted kitchen (= cupboards that look the same fixed to the walls and floor in the kitchen)
See pictures , .
noun [C]━━ n. (アパートなどの)簡易台所.
a small room or area used as a kitchen
light (NOT STRONG)
1 not great in strength or amount:
A light wind was blowing.
The traffic was quite light so we got through London quickly.
It's only light rain - you don't need an umbrella.
2 describes alcoholic drinks that are not strong in flavour:
It's described on the label as 'light, fruity wine'.
entertaining and easily understood, but not serious and not intended to make you think:
I want some light reading for the summer holidays - a romance or something.
verb [I or T]
to (cause to) become happier and less anxious:
His mood lightened after the phone call.
He tried to lighten the atmosphere by telling a joke.
lightly Show phonetics
1 If you say something lightly, you are not serious when you say it:
"Anyway, it won't affect me because I'm leaving, " she said lightly.
2 not do sth lightly If something is not said or treated lightly, it is said or treated in a serious way, after great consideration:
Accusations like these from a top minister are not made lightly.
light (NOT SEVERE)
1 needing only a very small amount of effort:
light exercise, such as walking
a bit of light housework
2 A light sentence in prison is a short one:
He got off with a fairly light sentence because it was his first conviction.
get off lightly; let sb off lightly to be punished or punish someone less severely than might have been expected:
I think he got off quite lightly considering it's his third driving offence.
3 light eater/drinker/smoker someone who eats/drinks/smokes only a little
4 light sleeper someone who is easily woken up by noise, etc.
1 gently or using very little of something:
She patted him lightly on the shoulder.
Dust the cake lightly with icing sugar.
2 If food is lightly cooked, it is cooked for only a short time:
lightly cooked vegetables
- One that sleeps: a heavy sleeper who was not wakened by the burglar.
- A sleeping car.
- Children's pajamas, usually with legs that cover the feet. Often used in the plural.
- One that achieves unexpected recognition or success, as a racehorse or movie.
- A spy or saboteur who is planted in an enemy country and who lives unobtrusively as a citizen of that country until activated into clandestine operations by a prearranged signal.
- A horizontal structural member on or near the ground that supports weight.
- Chiefly British. A railroad crosstie.
- Any of various usually small marine and freshwater fishes of the family Eleotridae, related to the gobies but lacking a sucking disk and noted for their habit of lying immobile.
Definition of sleeper
6a stocky fish with mottled coloration which occurs widely in warm seas and fresh water.
sleeping car noun [C] (ALSO sleeper)
a railway carriage containing beds for passengers to sleep in
saboteur- Dormitator and other genera, family Gobiidae (or Eleotridae): many species. See also cockabully
━━ n. 眠る人; 寝台車; 〔英〕 まくら木 (tie); 〔米〕 (pl.) (子供の)寝巻き; スリーパー ((土地に同化し,活動せず将来に備えているスパイ)); 〔英〕 小さいピアス耳輪; 〔米話〕 ヒット商品[作品].
sleeping car noun [C] (ALSO sleeper)
a railway carriage containing beds for passengers to sleep in
One who commits sabotage.
[French, from saboter, to sabotage. See sabotage.]
(kʊr'ē-ər, kûr'-, kŭr'-
- A messenger, especially one on official diplomatic business.
- A spy carrying secret information.
- A personal attendant hired to make arrangements for a journey.
- An employee of a travel agency serving as a guide for tourists.
[French courrier, from Old French, from Old Italian corriere, from correre, to run, from Latin currere.]
- [kə'ːriər | kúr-]
[名]1 (手紙・小包などの)運搬[配達]人;急送[宅配]便業者
a motorcycle courier
a private courier firm
2 ((主に英))旅行世話人;(旅行社の)ガイド, 添乗員.
(1) (外交文書・重要書類などを携行する)急使.
(2) 急使が利用する輸送機関(飛行機・船など).
(1) (外交文書・重要書類などを携行する)急使.
(2) 急使が利用する輸送機関(飛行機・船など).
4 ((C-))((新聞・雑誌等の名称に用いて))…クーリア, …新報
the Liverpool Courier
[ WITH OBJECT] Back to top
Line breaks: im|mo¦bile
Pronunciation: /ˈkʊrɪə/
Definition of courier in English:
1A company or employee of a company that transportscommercial packages and documents:the cheque was dispatched by courier[ AS MODIFIER] : a courier service
late Middle English (denoting a person sent to run with a message): originally from Old French coreor; later fromFrench courier (now courrier), from Italian corriere; based on Latin currere 'to run'.
Line breaks: self-immola¦tion
Pronunciation: /sɛlfɪməˈleɪʃ(ə)n/
Pronunciation: /ɪˈməʊbʌɪl/