2023年4月1日 星期六

arrange, China Desk, ARRANGEMENT, Draws Lessons From

首先﹐成員國可以通過大幅增加IMF的資源﹐提高人們對它的信心。這樣的舉措會清晰地表明﹐在眼下全球經濟環境高度不確定的情況下﹐IMF已經做好充分準備﹐滿足成員國的額外融資請求。由於IMF迫切需要資本﹐額外的資源將必須來自成員國中的債權國提供的貸款。這類注資可能會以雙邊協定的方式加以構建﹐就像最近與日本達成的協議一樣。或者﹐IMF還可能擴大與發達經濟體成員國之間的現有信貸額度﹐也就是所謂的新借款協定(New Arrangements to Borrow)。這種方法會給重要的新興市場經濟體一個貢獻力量的機會。

Royal Bank of Scotland Group, the largest arranger of syndicated loans in Europe, said earnings probably rose more than 11 percent as it increased fees from financing takeovers in a record year for corporate combinations.
• Go to Article from Bloomberg News

(MUSIC) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to change a piece of music so that it can be played in a different way, for example by a particular instrument:
Beethoven's fifth symphony has been arranged for the piano.

arrangement Show phonetics
noun [C]
a piece of music that has been changed so that it can be played in a different way, especially by a different instrument:
This new arrangement of the piece is for saxophone and piano.

noun [C]
The famous jazz musician, Duke Ellington, was a composer, arranger and pianist.

As long-time “From the Desk...” readers are no doubt aware, I spent the first ten years out of college working on Broadway as an arranger and conductor, killing time while trying to make my way as a composer/lyricist. Those days are long gone now, but from time to time, I still scratch my songwriting itch by writing new words to old melodies.

arrange (PUT IN POSITION) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to put something in a particular order:
She arranged her birthday cards along the shelf.
Who arranged these flowers so beautifully?
His books are neatly arranged in alphabetical order.

noun [C]
There was a striking arrangement of dried flowers (= a group of them which had been put in a particular order) on the table.

arranger Show phonetics
noun [C]
a flower arranger

One who arranges. Burke.

arrange (PLAN) 

verb [I or T]
to plan or prepare for; to organize:
I'm trying to arrange my work so that I can have a couple of days off next week.
The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.
[+ to infinitive] They arranged to have dinner the following month.
I've already arranged with him to meet at the cinema.
She's arranged for her son to have swimming lessons.
[+ that] I'd deliberately arranged that they should arrive at the same time.
[+ question word] We haven't yet arranged when to meet.


1 [C usually plural] a plan for how something will happen:
They'd made all the arrangements for the party.
[+ to infinitive] Arrangements were made to move the prisoners to another jail.
What are your current child-care arrangements?

2 [C or U] an agreement between two people or groups about how something happens or will happen:
[+ that] We had an arrangement that he would clean the house and I would cook.
I'm sure we can come to an arrangement (= reach an agreement).
You can only withdraw money from this account by (prior) arrangement (= after making plans to do so) with the bank.


━━ vt. 整える, 整とんする, 配列する; (紛争を)解決する; 打合わせる, 計画[準備]する; 脚色[編曲]する.
━━ vi. 打合わせる, 準備[用意]する, 手はずを定める ((for, about)).
ar・range・ment ━━ n. 整とん, 整理; 配置 (flower ~ment 生け花); 配合, 分類; (pl.) 手配, 準備 ((for, with)); 取り決め, 打ち合わせ; 和解, 協定; 脚色, 編曲.

desk (SERVICE AREA) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a place, often with a counter (= a long flat narrow surface), especially in a hotel or airport, where you can get information or service:
a check-in/information/reception desk
在機關中分成幾"組"服務特定地區之人 如 China Desk
