2017年7月18日 星期二

"rogue trader", donnybrook, infraction, co-habiting, snarly, cantankerous over



《衛報》的一篇評論說,克維爾作為“流氓交易員”肯定是已經被載入史冊。但是人們現在還不清楚,他是不是應該為星期一全球 股市的暴跌負責。如果情況的確如此,那他的作用就更大了,因為星期一股市的暴跌又促使美國中央銀行采取了20多年來最大膽的降息措施。目前,金融界也在討 論這個問題。

Police interrogate "rogue trader"

這 rogue trader 一般報紙都翻譯為"流氓交易員"
有點費解 英文都用 括號
"rogue trader"
A trader who acts independently of others - and, typically, recklessly - usually to the detriment of both the clients and the institution that employs him or her. In most cases this type of trading is high risk and can create huge losses.
Investopedia Says:
The most famous rogue trader is Nick Leeson, who was a derivatives trader at the Singapore office of Britain's Barings Bank. Leeson incurred heavy losses through the unauthorized trading of large amounts of Nikkei futures and options. Leeson took large derivative positions on the Nikkei which leveraged the amount of money at stake in the trades.

Other students are using URoomSurf. It makes matches with questions like these: How often do you shower? How neat are you? How outgoing are you? What’s your study/party balance? Is it O.K. for your roommate to use your belongings?
I guess if I had used URoomSurf, I might have avoided those donnybrooks with one pill of a roommate, who yelled at me for such infractions as allegedly stretching out her sweater and eating a whole can of Campbell’s Chunky Soup when I could have made do with half.
But co-habiting with snarly and moody roomies prepared me for the working world, where people can be outlandishly cantankerous over small stuff.

  1. Ill-tempered and quarrelsome; disagreeable: disliked her cantankerous landlord.
  2. Difficult to handle: "had to use liquid helium, which is supercold, costly and cantankerous" (Boston Globe).
[Perhaps from Middle English contek, dissension (influenced by such words as rancorouscankerous), from Anglo-Norman contec, possibly from Latin contāctus, past participle of contingere, to touch. See contact.]
cantankerously can·tan'ker·ous·ly adv.


  1. To growl viciously while baring the teeth.
  2. To speak angrily or threateningly.
To utter with anger or hostility: 
snarled a retort.

  1. A vicious growl.
  2. A vicious, hostile utterance.
[Frequentative of obsolete snar, perhaps from Dutch or Low German snarren, to rattle, probably of imitative origin.]
snarler snarl'er n.
snarlingly snarl'ing·ly adv.
snarly snarl'y adj.
snarl2 (snärlpronunciation
  1. A tangled mass, as of hair or yarn.
  2. A confused, complicated, or tangled situation; a predicament.

To become tangled or confused.
  1. To tangle or knot (hair, for example).
  2. To confuse; complicate.
[Middle English snarle, trap, probably diminutive of snare. See snare1.]

snarler snarl'er n.

[名][C][U]((形式))(法律・権利・義務などの)違反, 侵害, 侵犯((of ...)).


An uproar; a free-for-all. See synonyms at brawl.

[After Donnybrook fair, held annually in Donnybrook, a suburb of Dublin, Ireland, and noted for its brawls.]

〔dnibrùk | dn-〕


DJ: []
n. (名詞 noun)[C]
  1. 惡棍,流氓
  2. 不要從那惡棍手裡買舊車。
  3. 調皮鬼;小淘氣
  4. 這個小淘氣鬼戴上了他爺爺的眼鏡。
  5. 兇猛的離群獸(尤指象)
  6. 【生】(尤指植物的)劣種
vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
  1. 游手好閒;耍無賴
  2. 【農】去劣;去雜
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
  1. 【農】去(劣);去(雜)[(+out)]
  2. 欺詐
a. (形容詞 adjective)
  1. (野獸)兇猛的
━━ n. 悪漢; 〔戯言〕 ちゃめ, いたずらっ子; 群から離れている猛獣.
━━ a. (群れから)はぐれて狂暴な; 一匹狼のような.
ro・guer・y ━━ n. 悪事; いたずら.
rogues' gallery 前科者写真台帳.
ro・guish ━━ a. ごろつきの; いたずらな.

The French share trader alleged to be at the centre of a massive fraud unveiled at France's second biggest bank, Société Générale has been detained by Paris police.

Jerome Kerviel is being interrogated at the headquaters of the financial police.

It's alleged he lost his employers nearly five billion euros after making huge, risky bets on stocks and then seeing the markets plunge in the wake of the US mortgage crisis. Prosecutors have opened a preliminary investigation and shareholders have filed a suit against the bank for misconduct.

As the recriminations continue, many question how the rogue trader was able to operate alone. In an additional twist, the bank has said Kerviel might not have personally benefited from his alleged fraudulent transactions.


━━ vi. 非難し返す, やり返す ((against)).
re・crim・i・na・tion ━━ n.

