2017年7月8日 星期六

recant, identify, misidentification, ballistics evidence, cant, canted lineup, sequentially

Bloomberg Asia 和 Bloomberg 都分享了 1 條連結
It's a case of misidentification.

Military Takes Apps to War
Soldiers use mobile devices for mapping, networking, virtual lineups and other military uses.

Under proper practices, no one should know who the suspect is, including the officer administering a lineup. Each witness should view the lineup separately, and the witnesses should not confer about the crime. A new study has found that even presenting photos sequentially (one by one) to witnesses reduced misidentifications — from 18 percent to 12 percent of the time — compared with lineups where photos were presented all at once, as in this case.

Seven of nine witnesses against Mr. Davis recanted after trial. Six said the police threatened them if they did not identify Mr. Davis. The man who first told the police that Mr. Davis was the shooter later confessed to the crime. There are other reasons to doubt Mr. Davis’s guilt: There was no physical evidence linking him to the crime introduced at trial, and new ballistics evidence broke the link between him and a previous shooting that provided the motive for his conviction.


  • 発音記号[rikǽnt]

━━(自)(正式に)陳述[主張, 意見]を撤回[否定]する.


  • 発音記号[kǽnt]

1 (特に宗教・道徳に関する)うわべだけの言葉, から念仏;偽善的な話.
2 仲間言葉, 隠語(jargon);符丁;一時的な流行語
in the cant of the day
3 (物ごいの)哀れっぽい声音.
1 うわべだけの言葉を使う, きれいごとを語る;道徳家[信心家]ぶる.
2 哀れっぽい口ぶりで話す;物ごいする.

介紹電影的各種鏡頭 譬如說 斜照canted SHOT




  • レベル:大学入試程度

1 (共通の目的をもつ人々の)顔ぶれ, 陣容.
2 《スポーツ》ラインアップ:(試合開始前の)出場選手の陣容.
3 (番組などの)全予定表.
4 ((主に米))(警察での目撃者による面通しのための)容疑者の列.
