It's getting easier to suss out counterfeit whiskey:
Google's 'war room' gets ready for World Cup final
Their efforts to monitor World Cup-related searches, suss out interesting trends and then quickly create fun illustrations on Google's World Cup page ...
France’s Sale of Ships to Russia Is Ill-Advised, U.S. Warns
Secretary of State John Kerry said in a meeting with the French foreign
minister that the delivery of the vessels would not help the political
situation in eastern Europe.
Ian Falconer: By the Book
The author and illustrator, most recently, of "Olivia and the Fairy Princesses" says good children's books don't underestimate the reader. "Children will figure things out."
Trust: Ill-Advised in a Digital Age
How trust is cultivated, destroyed and tweaked in the digital age.
Start with APIs. These are the link which allows software developers to
create applications which interact seamlessly with a programming
language (like Java or C++) or a service (like Facebook or Twitter).
Without an API, programmers would first have to suss out how the gears
and cogs inside the target platform work, and then construct software to
mesh with those. Moreover, different hardware platforms would require
separate software versions, which would need to be constantly updated as
languages or services are tweaked by their makers. APIs limit such
A 43-year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion of murder following the discovery of two children's bodies in a car in Heathfield, East Sussex.
The bodies of a boy and a girl, both aged under five, were discovered when officers broke into a car parked in Mill Close shortly before noon. A woman was arrested after reporting an "incident" to police and was taken to hospital with "self-harm injuries".
Sussex Police said the woman and two children were known to each other.
Post-mortem examinations are due to take place on Thursday when the children's identities are expected to be released.
Meanwhile, the SEC charged Ms. Heinen with participating in the fraudulent options issued to Mr. Jobs and other executives in 2001, and with altering company records to conceal the fraud. The SEC alleges the scheme caused the company to underreport its expenses by almost $40 million. Her attorneys have vowed to fight the case.
UN to inspect Japan radiation site
Japan says it will let United Nations inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency visit its largest nuclear plant after an earthquake caused a radiation leak there. The Japanese government had at first said that an inspection was not necessary, but has come under pressure from local authorities to allow a visit to calm public concern. The 6.8-magnitude earthquake on July 16 caused a fire for hours at the nuclear plant in Niigata prefecture, some 250 kilometres northwest of Tokyo . The plant's operator later said that a small amount of radiation leaked, but has come under criticism for initially
To report (income or crime statistics, for example) as being less than actually is the case.
v. tr. - 使少報收入等 v. intr. - 少報收入等
underreporting radiation levels.
Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
Whenever there is fear, you will get wrong figures. |
怕了就以偽造數字了事;fear 和 figure 押韻
self- injury
The act of intentionally hurting oneself. One manifestation of this is known as cutting.

tr.v. Slang, sussed, suss·ing, suss·es.
- To infer or discover; figure out: "I think I'm good at sussing out what's going on" (Ry Cooder).
- To size up; study: "Suss out the designers in whom you are interested" (Lucia van der Post).
[Probably short for SUSPECT.]
tr.v., tweaked, tweak·ing, tweaks.

tr.v., tweaked, tweak·ing, tweaks.
- To pinch, pluck, or twist sharply.
- To adjust; fine-tune.
- To make fun of; tease.
- A sharp, twisting pinch.
- A teasing remark or action; a joke.
[Probably variant of dialectal twick, from Middle English twikken, from Old English twiccian.]
tweaky tweak'y adj.- 発音記号[twíːk]
1 …をつまんでぐいと引っ張る[ひねる].
2 〈機械などを〉微調整する.
3 ((米俗))(麻薬の禁断症状で)じりじり[いらいら]させる.
Line breaks: ill-advised
Pronunciation: /ˌɪlədˈvʌɪzd/
- Not sensible, wise, or prudent: you would be ill-advised to go on your own
More example sentences
- This is delicate but to be encouraged (though Americans would be ill-advised to go anywhere near such a program with aid dollars).
- Even if, like Harold Wilson in 1974-76, he had already decided to step down, he would be ill-advised to announce this before the eleventh hour.
- However, when purchasing cloves - and they're readily available in most supermarkets and food shops - you will be ill-advised to buy the ground variety.
More example sentences
- The Coast Guard, by the way, unfortunately - and in my opinion, ill-advisedly - sank this wonderful contraption that was a vehicle for freedom for these people.
- He decided to curb his alcohol consumption and ill-advisedly he turned to the heavy use of cannabis.
- The Donner Pass was named after the emigrants from the Midwest who ill-advisedly brought their wagon train up through these mountains in 1844 and had to resort to cannibalism to survive the winter.
Pronunciation: /-zɪdli/