Out of the Bloomsbury Mud
Francesca Wade
Kenneth Clark asked Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell to paint him a dinner service. Two years later, they presented him with 50 plates illustrated with portraits of famous women from history.
Mr. Bunnell is among tens of millions of baby boomers who are encountering the signs, by turns amusing and disconcerting, that accompany the decline of the brain’s acuity: a good friend’s name suddenly vanishing from memory; a frantic search for eyeglasses only to find them atop the head; milk taken from the refrigerator then put away in a cupboard.
According to Mr. Burrough's account, Bear's liquidity became a problem only after rumors flew that the company was in trouble. Bear executives frantically tried to find the source of the rumors, but failed to do so in time.
Only 6 weeks left to see "Reflecting Class in the Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer." Foreign visitors to the Dutch Republic often remarked on women’s independence. Though most married, many did not. For a woman with a family, a primary responsibility was to educate her daughters and train them to be good wives. Pieter de Hooch, Dutch (1629–after 1684). "Interior with Women beside a Linen Cupboard," 1663.
community gardens
The country’s one million community gardens, she said, can also play an important role for urban dwellers who have no backyards.
But, sitting in her office in the East Wing, Mrs. Obama stressed that she doesn’t want people to feel guilty if they don’t have the time to have a garden: there are still many small changes they can make.
“You can begin in your own cupboard by eliminating processed food, trying to cook a meal a little more often, trying to incorporate more fruits and vegetables,” she said.
done or arranged in a hurry and a state of excitement or confusion:
Share prices have soared to a new all-time high in a day of frantic trading on the stock market.
Rescuers were engaged in a frantic all-night effort to reach the survivors before their supply of air ran out.
I've been working frantically all week to get it finished on time.
I got home to find Lara frantically searching for her keys.
noun [U] FORMAL
the ability to hear, see or think accurately and clearly:
Tiredness also affects visual acuity.
He was a man of great political acuity.
【人工科學】一書中 Old Mother Hubbard童歌
Speaking Minds: Interviews with Twenty Eminent Cognitive ...
Peter Baumgartner, Sabine Payr - 2014 - Science
When Old Mother Hubbard went to her cupboard, as the nursery rhyme says, she found ... Do scientists in Artificial Intelligence make more experiments, whereas ...我書翻成之後,跟他說,只剩這地方看不懂。他才告訴我Old Mother Hubbard 的故事。
Old Mother Hubbard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Speaking Minds: Interviews with Twenty Eminent Cognitive Scientists
edited by Peter Baumgartner, Sabine Payr******
a recess or piece of furniture with a door and usually shelves, used for storage.
"a broom cupboard"
- a recess or piece of furniture with a door and usually shelves, used for storage."a broom cupboard"
- [名詞]
- 1 食器棚,食器だんす.
- 2 ((主に英)) (衣類・食物などを入れる)小戸棚,押し入れ.
- The cupboard is bare.
- plates, dishes, cups, and other similar items, especially ones made of earthenware or china.
dinner service
- a set of matching crockery for serving a meal.
"an eight piece dinner service"
noun [C]
1 the frame of bones supporting a human or animal body:
We found an old sheep skeleton up on the cliffs.
FIGURATIVE Her long illness reduced her to a skeleton (= made her very thin).
See picture .
2 the most basic form or structure of something:
The skeleton of my book is written/My book is in skeleton form - now I just have to add the details.
skeleton in the/your cupboard/closet
an embarrassing secret:
Most families have one or two skeletons in the cupboard.
A skeleton in the closet
MeaningA secret source of shame, potentially ruinous if exposed, which a person or family makes efforts to conceal.
The phrase 'a skeleton in the closet' was coined in England in the 19th century. Since then the word closet has become used primarily in England to mean 'water closet', i.e. lavatory - a possible hiding place for a skeleton I suppose, but not one with much potential. The English now usually use 'a skeleton in the cupboard', with 'skeleton in the closet' more common in the USA.
'A skeleton in the closet' undoubtedly originated as an allusion to an apparently irreproachable person or family having a guilty secret waiting to be uncovered. The close-at-hand domestic imagery of a closet or cupboard gives a sense of the ever-present risk of discovery. What isn't clear is whether the origin of the phrase lies in fiction or with real life, so to speak, skeletons.
The phrase was first used in the early 1800s. The first reference I can find in print is a figurative one in a piece by William Hendry Stowell, in the UK monthly periodical The Eclectic Review, 1816. The 'skeleton' in this case was the desire to keep a hereditary disease secret:
Two great sources of distress are the danger of contagion and the apprehension of hereditary diseases. The dread of being the cause of misery to posterity has prevailed over men to conceal the skeleton in the closet...The dramatic device of a hidden body was used widely in the Gothic novels of the Victorian period. Edgar Allen Poe was the master of such tales, for example, this extract from The Black Cat, 1845 :
"Gentlemen, I delight to have allayed your suspicions", and here, through the mere frenzy of bravado, I rapped heavily upon that very portion of the brick-work behind which stood the corpse of the wife of my bosom. The wall fell bodily. The corpse, already greatly decayed, stood erect before the eyes of the spectators.It has been suggested that the phrase derives from the era of the notorious body snatchers, i.e. prior to 1832, when the UK's Anatomy Act allowed the more extensive use of corpses for medical research. The theory goes that, in a scenario like that of the concealment of Catholic priests in priest holes in domestic houses in Elizabethan England, doctors would conceal in cupboards the illegally held skeletons they used for teaching. There's no evidence at all to corroborate that theory. Concealed skeletons are occasionally found walled-up in houses but they are usually those of unwanted infants.
The notion of a skeleton in the closet as shorthand for the grim evidence of a murder was widely adopted into the language due to the writings of the popular Victorian author William Makepeace Thackeray. He referred to 'a skeleton in every house' in a piece in 1845 and explicitly to 'skeletons in closets' in The Newcomes; memoirs of a most respectable family, 1854–55:
Some particulars regarding the Newcome family, which will show us that they have a skeleton or two in their closets, as well as their neighbours.

The American expressions 'come out of the closet' or simply 'come out' began to be used in the 1960s and are, of course, direct follow-ons from 'a skeleton in the closet'. As far as I'm aware, no one in the UK has declared themselves as gay by coming out of a cupboard.
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