A smoochy item from our collection for you, our lovely followers, this #InternationalKissingDay!
Image: 'Bucolique. L'apéritif. A couple having a picnic; a romantic scene' by Georges Leonnec. From La vie parisienne, 1926.
Hm... sponging... who else do we know who does that...
Prince Philip just asked a group of women ,'Who do you sponge off?'
British Museum 新增了 4 張新相片。
It's #InternationalKissingDay! Pucker up and enjoy some of the smooches in the collection http://ow.ly/PecQa

Of America’s 100 top-paid CEOs, 29 worked schemes that enabled them to collect more in compensation than their corporations paid in income taxes. The average pay for these 29: $32 million. For one year. And corporations mangle tax the code to deduct that too.

American Society’s Real Moochers: CEOs
Holiday bells are silent in the homes of America’s struggling working poor, while CEOs’ Christmas plums are super-sugared with record-breaking corporate profits.
French kiss smooches its way into dictionary
The Guardian
After centuries without an official word for the sloppy Gallic export "to french kiss", a verb has finally been given its rightful place in the French dictionary. "Galocher", to kiss with tongues, is among the latest additions to the Petit Robert 2014 ...
As one trading company executive said about the economic relationship between Japanese and South Korean companies, "It is like one hand smacking the opponent while the other hand is shaking his hand."
He was also a humanist, driven by a desire to change the world, which is what he intended to do in Shantiniketan. Upset with what he saw as an India that mooched off other cultures — “the eternal ragpickers of other people’s dustbins,” he said — he imagined a school modeled after the ancient Indian tapovans, or forest colonies, where young men meditated and engaged in other spiritual practices. His school would eschew rote learning and foster “an atmosphere of living aspiration.”

v., mooched, mooch·ing, mooch·es.
- To obtain or try to obtain by begging; cadge. See synonyms at cadge.
- To steal; filch.
- To get or try to get something free of charge; sponge: lived by mooching off friends.
- To wander about aimlessly.
- To skulk around; sneak.
- One who begs or cadges; a sponge.
- A dupe, as in a confidence game.
[Middle English mowchen, probably from Old French muchier, to hide, skulk.]
moocher mooch'er n.
((俗))[動](自)こそこそする;((英略式))(…を)うろつく((about, around ...)).
1 …を(返すつもりもなく)借りる;…を(人に)巻き上げる;…を盗む, くすねる(steal).
2 ((米略式))〈施しを〉(人から)請う((off, from ...)).
1 〈唇を〉(…がおいしくて)鳴らす, (…に)舌つづみを打つ((over ...));舌なめずりをする.
2 (平手などで)…を強打する, ピシャッと打つ(⇒HIT[類語]);((英略式))…にげんこつを食らわす
smack the boy on the bottom
smack her across the face
3 (ガーン, ガツンと)…を打って遠くへやる[送る, 飛ばす];…をパシッと音をたてて置く
smack a hit into center field
4 ((略式))…にチュッと[音をたてて]キスする
smack her on the forehead
5 〈むちなどを〉ピシピシと鳴らす.
1 (…に)舌つづみを打つ((at ...)).
2 衝突する, ぶつかる;強く打つ;ピシャッ[ガツン]と音をたてる.
smack ... down/smack down ...
1 平手打ち;((英略式))げんこつ;ピシャリと打つ音;舌つづみ.
2 ((略式))チュッと音をたてるキス. ▼「ブチュッ」に近いキスはsmooch.
a smack in the eye [the face]
have a smack at ...
((略式))…をしようとする, してみる.
1 いきなり激しく.
2 まともに, もろに.smooch
Pronunciation: /smuːtʃ/
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Definition of smooch
adjective (smoochier, smoochiest)