2017年7月1日 星期六

grant, lift, extraterritoriality, locality

President Abraham Lincoln protected the Yosemite Valley with the Yosemite Grant on this day in 1864. http://met.org/2u3A22R
Albert Bierstadt (American 1830 - 1902) | Merced River, Yosemite Valley | 1866

Image result for the Yosemite Grant
On that day in 1864, President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill establishing Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove as protected wilderness areas. It was the first time in U.S. history that land was designated for public use and preservation, and is viewed by many as the birth of the national parks system.Jun 30, 2014

150 years ago, Abraham Lincoln signed the Yosemite Grant Act | PBS ...


 Chinese premier calls on Europeans to lift arms embargo

The 15th China-EU summit in Brussels has opened with discord. Chinese
Premier Wen Jiabao has called on the EU to lift its arms embargo against
Beijing and grant free market status to the world's second largest economy.

extraterritoriality (ek-stru
No Visa, No School, Many New York Districts Say
Civil liberties advocates have unsuccessfully asked the Education Department to stop localities from imposing enrollment barriers on immigrant children, intentionally or not.

lo·cal·i·ty (lō-kăl'ĭ-tē) pronunciation
n., pl., -ties.
  1. A particular neighborhood, place, or district: "Localities, even individual villages, developed their own languages" (Wall Street Journal).
  2. The fact or quality of having position in space.
[French localité, from Late Latin locālitās, from locālis, local. See local.]

Exemption from the jurisdiction of local law, granted to foreign diplomats.

From Latin extra- (outside) + territorium (land around a town), from terra (land).]

"Henry McMaster also said he plans to argue that the extraterritoriality principle bars one state from passing laws that would affect people in other states." — Monica Chen; State Attorney General Addresses York County Day; The Herald (Rock Hill, South Carolina); Mar 28, 2007.


  • 発音記号[grǽnt | grɑ'ːnt]

1 ((形式))…を与える, 授ける;[grant (A) B/grant B (to A)]〈(A(人)に)B(物)を〉授与[交付, 下賜]する. ⇒GIVE
grant a scholarship to a student [=grant a student a scholarship
2 〈人の願いなどを〉かなえる;[grant A B/grant B to A]〈A(人)のB(要求・嘆願など)に〉応ずる, 同意する, 〈AのBを〉聞き入れる;[III that節]〈…ということを〉承諾する
grant a request
grant a child his wish
May God grant good fortune to you
3III[名]/that節](議論を進めるなどのために)…を(いちおう)認める, 仮に…だと認める;[V[名]to be[形]]〈…が〉(…であると)(ひとまず)認める, 譲歩する
I grant that he is honest. [=I grant his honesty. /I grant him to be honest. ]
He is capable, I grant you, but he doesn't work hard.
なるほど彼は能力はあるよ, でもあまり働かないね.
4 《法律》〈人に〉〈財産・権利などを〉(特に証書によって)譲渡する.
take ... for granted
(1) …を当然のことと思う
I take (it) for granted (that) people are honest.
(2) 〈所有物・権利などを〉当然のこととしておろそかにする;正しく評価しない.
1 授与[助成, 交付]されたもの;交付[助成]金, 補助[奨学]金
government grants to universities
2 [U][C]授与, 下賜, 下付;許可, 認可;容認, 同意.
3 《法律》譲与[譲渡]証書;[U]譲渡.
[古フランス語←ラテン語crēdentāre(crēdēre信じる+-ent現在分詞語尾+-āre不定詞語尾). e-がg-に変わったのは, おそらくgarantir (GUARANTEE)との類推による. △CREED, CREDIT
