2022年12月29日 星期四

Hard-Line, look great, not do things by halves, to take hard line against country

On the third day of the Haute Couture shows in Paris, Chanel showcased its collection under giant model of the Eiffel Tower inside the Grand Palais

英文中很少用「You are beautiful」來讚美對方,應該說「You look great」、「You are lovely」、「You are cute」、「You look smart」、「You look sharp」、「You look wonderful」、「You look stunning」、「You look superb」、「You look gorgeous」、「You look outstanding」,甚至「You look like a million dollars」等。有些人也會用現在式如「You are looking wonderful」來強調「此時此刻」氣色很不錯。也有較年長的女性會對晚輩說「I really love you, dear!」,這裡的「really」、「dear」(或「darling」),並沒有親暱、調情,或「裝熟」而冒犯他人的意味,只是一種禮貌性的讚美。這種說法有時也會用在與餐廳服務生或超市收銀員的對話,或是感謝陌生人的幫助(比方跌倒被路人扶起),重點是「really」而非「love」。反而真正愛一個人的時候,會說「I love you」,而非「I really love you!」。  

not do things by halves. If someone does not do things by halves, they put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into doing things, often more than is necessary: "I didn't realize you were decorating the whole house."

not do things by halves Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

