Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 teardown.
Facebook has a far larger social network and a sizable head-start after
spending years encouraging its members to add photos and all sorts of
personal information to their profiles, from basic data like location,
employer name and interests to more sensitive details such as age,
religion and romantic status.
但 Facebook的社交網絡在規模上要比谷歌大得多﹐並且在時機把握方面也算捷足先登﹐這要歸功於多年來Facebook一直鼓勵用戶將圖片和各種個人信 息添加到他們資料中的努力。這些信息既包括地理位置、雇主名稱和興趣愛好等基本信息﹐也包括年齡、宗教和婚姻狀況等敏感資料。
Neither of these considerations encumbered the committee of Nobel's upstart rival, the Fundamental Physics Prize. On December 11th it revealed that Dr Incandela and Dr Gianotti will share a generous $3m special award with Peter Jenni, Michael Della Negra, Tejinder Singh Virdee, Guido Tonelli and Lyn Evans, who all spearheaded CERN's Higgs hunt since the project was approved in 1994.
What's in an iPad Mini?
The tooth and the lens were implanted under her skin for two months so they could bond. They were then implanted in the centre of her eye, after a series of procedures to prepare the socket.
British spearhead allied offensive in Afghanistan
Times Online - Miles Amoore, Marie Colvin - 3 hours ago
A soldier from 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards was killed by an explosion yesterday at the start of the operation described as the biggest of the eight-year conflict in Afghanistan.
但 Facebook的社交網絡在規模上要比谷歌大得多﹐並且在時機把握方面也算捷足先登﹐這要歸功於多年來Facebook一直鼓勵用戶將圖片和各種個人信 息添加到他們資料中的努力。這些信息既包括地理位置、雇主名稱和興趣愛好等基本信息﹐也包括年齡、宗教和婚姻狀況等敏感資料。
Neither of these considerations encumbered the committee of Nobel's upstart rival, the Fundamental Physics Prize. On December 11th it revealed that Dr Incandela and Dr Gianotti will share a generous $3m special award with Peter Jenni, Michael Della Negra, Tejinder Singh Virdee, Guido Tonelli and Lyn Evans, who all spearheaded CERN's Higgs hunt since the project was approved in 1994.
What's in an iPad Mini?
teardown analysis of the Apple's new iPad Mini by the market research
firm IHS estimates the combined cost of parts, including the display,
chips and battery, adds up to about $188.
A Teardown of Google's Nexus 7 Tablet
new Nexus 7 tablet is the same size and price as's Kindle
Fire, but it costs a bit more to build, according to an analysis of its
The tooth and the lens were implanted under her skin for two months so they could bond. They were then implanted in the centre of her eye, after a series of procedures to prepare the socket.
British spearhead allied offensive in Afghanistan
Times Online - Miles Amoore, Marie Colvin - 3 hours ago
A soldier from 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards was killed by an explosion yesterday at the start of the operation described as the biggest of the eight-year conflict in Afghanistan.
- The act or process of taking apart or demolishing.
- also tear-down A building that is to be torn down and replaced with another, often larger building.
bond︰動詞,黏合、結合,為……作保。例句︰His girlfriend bonded him.(他的女友為他作保。)
- To mortgage or place a guaranteed bond on.
- To furnish bond or surety for.
- To place (an employee, for example) under bond or guarantee.
- To join securely, as with glue or cement.
- To join (two or more individuals) in or as if in a nurturing relationship: "What bonded (Robert J. Samuelson).
- To lay (bricks or stones) in an overlapping or alternating pattern.
- To cohere with or as if with a bond.
- To form a close personal relationship.
- An opening or a cavity into which an inserted part is designed to fit: a light-bulb socket.
- Anatomy.
- The concave part of a joint that receives the end of a bone.
- A hollow or concavity into which a part, such as the eye, fits.
To furnish with or insert into a socket.
[Middle English soket, from Anglo-Norman, spearhead, diminutive of soc, plowshare, probably of Celtic origin.]
Inside Sony's Vita: IBM, Toshiba, Avago
EE Times
OTTAWA -- IBM, Toshiba, Qualcomm and Avago won significant sockets inside Sony's latest portable gaming console, the Playstation Vita, according to a teardown by UBM TechInsights. A quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor co-developed by IBM, ...
See all stories on this topic »
EE Times
OTTAWA -- IBM, Toshiba, Qualcomm and Avago won significant sockets inside Sony's latest portable gaming console, the Playstation Vita, according to a teardown by UBM TechInsights. A quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor co-developed by IBM, ...
See all stories on this topic »
- レベル:社会人必須
- 発音記号[sɑ'kit | sɔ'k-]
1 (電球の)ソケット;(差し込みプラグ用の)壁ソケット(wall socket);コンセント(((米))outlet).
2 《解剖学》窩(か);眼窩(eye socket)
the socket of the hip
a tooth socket
one's eyes fall out of their sockets
3 受け口, 穴, 軸受け.
4 《ゴルフ》クラブのシャフトとヘッドの接合部, ソケット.
1 …に穴[ソケット]をつける;…をソケットにはめる.
2 《ゴルフ》〈ボールを〉クラブのソケットで打つ.
spear·head (spîr'hĕd')
- The sharpened head of a spear.
- The leading forces in a military thrust.
- The driving force in a given action, endeavor, or movement.
To be the leader of (a movement, for example): "spearheaded the effort to offer classes in settlement houses [and] provide lecturers to women's clubs" (Catherine Clinton).
1 槍(やり)の穂.
━━[動](他)((略式))…の先頭に立つ.head start
- 音節
- héad stárt
- レベル
- 社会人必須
1 (レースなどで)(…よりも)有利なスタート;(一般に)(…よりも)有利な開始((over, on ...));さい先のよい開始, 出足のよさ
2 ((H- S-))((米))ヘッドスタート:貧困者の子供(3-5歳)に対する連邦政府の保健・教育プログラム.