2022年12月16日 星期五

discomforting, comforting, displeasure, displeased, “BS” or “crap”

“Soi Social is really special for me because it allows me to introduce something new to Singaporeans. We want to bring back the traditional and make food comforting for everyone,” celeb chef and veteran foodie Ian Kittichai tells

“China is very displeased"
Beijing ‘displeased’ after USS McCain sails close to the disputed Spratly…
Why is Japan refusing to pay UNESCO its dues?
The Japanese government announced that it is withholding its payments owed to UNESCO. This is a $37 million expression of displeasure over the ...
  • In an extraordinary statement from a running mate, Mike Pence indicated that he still supported Mr. Trump, but that he was highly displeased.

Our teacher said: “Doesn’t everyone feel it’s bs, what Berryman says at the beginning of The Dream Songs—?”

Viktor Orban stokes anti-refugee support to distract from a more discomforting issue for his government

To stoke anti-refugee support, but also perhaps to distract from a more discomforting ballot

To the discomfort of its smaller neighbours, China’s claims in disputed waters have grown increasingly assertive. Two Chinese oil companies show contrasting approaches in their attempts to operate in the South China Sea: one's actions are adding to tensions in the area, while the other's may hint at a way to ease them http://econ.st/1CXE8qC

TWO Chinese oil companies show contrasting approaches in their attempts to operate in the South China Sea where, to the discomfort of its smaller neighbours,...

Humanity's Discomfort, Punctured With a Pen

The cartoonist Daniel Clowes receives his first museum retrospective at the Oakland Museum of California beginning April 14. The show will then go on tour.

Should We Sell Arms to Taiwan?

In Room for Debate, weighing America’s relationship with Taiwan against Beijing’s displeasure.

Google fires back at Apple with Nexus One update
ZDNet (blog)Not 24 hours after Steve Jobs told his minions that Google's Don't Be Evil mantra was “BS” (or “crap” depending on who you listen to) Google answers by ...

  1. Bachelor of Science
  2. balance sheet
  3. Bible Bar Sirach (Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach)
  4. or B/S bill of sale
  5. Vulgar bullshit

Urban Dictionary: BS


"dude, that's a bunch of b.s." ... bs. 1. it stands for BULLSHIT 2. it is said when someone tells a lie 3. it is used when someone says ... It's nothing but a load of BS.
Vulgar Slang.
  1. Excrement.
  2. An act of defecating.
  3. Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language.
  4. Cheap or shoddy material.
  5. Miscellaneous or disorganized items; clutter.
  6. Insolent talk or behavior.
intr.v., crapped, crap·ping, craps.
To defecate.

Used to express anger or displeasure.

━━ n. 〔米〕 (クラップばくち(craps)で)さいを振って出た負けの数; 〔卑〕 糞(くそ); くだらない物; ((間投詞的)) ばかばかしい.
━━ vi. (-pp-) 〔卑〕 糞をする.
crap・py ━━ a. 〔俗〕 質の悪い, ひどい.
craps ━━ n. ((普通単数扱い)) クラップス ((ばくち)).
crap・shoot ━━ n., vi. 予測不可能[危険,不確定]なこと, いちかばちかの賭け; 危険を冒す, いちかばちかで賭ける.
crap・shooter クラップスをする人; 賭博(とばく)師.


Line breaks: dis|com¦fort
Pronunciation: /dɪsˈkʌmfət /

Definition of discomfort in English:


1.1Worry or embarrassment:his remarks caused her discomfort
1.2[COUNT NOUN] Something that causes one to feel uncomfortable:the discomforts of too much sun in summer


[WITH OBJECT]Back to top  
1Make (someone) feel anxious or embarrassed:the unknown leaker’s purpose was to discomfort the Prime Minister
1.1(often as adjective discomforting) Cause(someone) slight pain:if the patient’s condition has discomforting symptoms, these should be controlled


Middle English (as a verb in the sense 'dishearten'): fromOld French desconforter (verb), desconfort (noun), fromdes- (expressing reversal) + conforter 'to comfort' (see comfort).


(dĭs-plĕzh'ər) pronunciation
  1. The condition or fact of being displeased; dissatisfaction.
  2. Discomfort, uneasiness, or pain.
  3. Archaic. An injurious offense.
[Middle English displesure, from Old French desplaisir : des-, dis- + plaisir, pleasure; see pleasure.]
