But in new records and messages reviewed by The New York Times, along with interviews with a wide range of people who knew Mr. Mangione, a more complete picture has emerged of a young man struggling with debilitating medical problems and increasingly disillusioned with the society he lived in.Then there are topics that are popular among political fringes. Mr. Musk has tweeted many memes about taking the “red-pill,” a reference to the movie “The Matrix” that has been adopted by far-right groups as a way to condemn liberal ideology.Britain’s prime minister choices |
The Conservative Party in Britain whittled the race to become the country’s next prime minister down to two candidates. |
Rishi Sunak, a former chancellor of the Exchequer — Britain’s equivalent of a finance minister — and Liz Truss, the current foreign secretary, emerged as the top two choices from a field of 11 after five rounds of voting by the party’s lawmakers. The two will campaign to secure the support of the Conservative rank-and-file in the lead-up to a vote, with the results announced in early September. |
Kwik Lok, based in Yakima, Washington, has been manufacturing these little tabs ever since their founder whittled the first one from a credit card.
More time spent in negative ideation means less time thinking about creative ways to improve performance....
Who would do something like that: Letting bombs explode at a marathon race? Who would want people killed or maimed so brutally? There is no excuse for such a senseless act of terror,
With Black Friday and Cyber Monday behind us, the holiday shopping season is well underway. To help you whittle down that mile-long shopping list, The Times's Fashion & Style mavens have compiled our annual Holiday Gift Guide. The year's installment focuses on stylish travel gifts -- organizers, gadgets, timepieces, games, clothing -- for all the jet-setters in your life.
When they first meet, Yun Ling is prematurely aged and embittered — and physically maimed — by the deprivations of the camp where she was, as it was euphemistically called, “a guest of the emperor.” Aritomo admonishes her to take off her shoes: “You bring the problems of the world inside.” As indeed she does — the problems of a broken heart, of fury and a desire for revenge, of utter confusion and a debilitating sense of betrayal.
THE Internet is a rabbit hole of distraction. It’s easy to wind up knee-deep in paparazzi photos of Beyonce’s new baby when you intended only to answer a few e-mails.
Of course, the standard party line is that our focus and attention span are being whittled away by the never-ending barrage of services flooding our screens and feeds — and that this is a debilitating trend.
‘No Child’ Law Is Whittled Down by the White House
In just five months, the Obama administration has freed schools in more
than half the nation from central provisions of the No Child Left Behind
education law.
- 音節
- ma • ven, -vin
- 発音
- méivən, -vin
- mavenの変化形
- mavens (複数形)
- 発音記号[hwítl | wítl]
1 〈木などを〉少しずつ削る;〈木片などを〉削り取る;〈木などを〉削って(…を)作る((into ...));…を(木などを)削って作る((from ...))
1 (木などを)削る, 刻む((at ...)).
2 ((方言))疲れる.
[名]párty líne[párty líne]
1 ((the 〜))政策綱領;((通例〜s))(政党の)基本方針, 政策.
debilitate verb [T] FORMALto make someone or something physically weak:Chemotherapy exhausted and debilitated him.
debilitating adjective FORMALa debilitating condition/disease
- 発音記号[dibílətèit]
[動](他)〈人を〉弱らせる, 衰弱させる;〈組織・政府などを〉弱体化させる.
[名]wind up[wind up]
(1) ((名詞(句)・形容詞(句)・副詞(句)を伴って))(…という)はめになる;(…ということで)終わりになる, 終わる
(2) 《野球》〈投手が〉ワインドアップする.
n., pl., -cies.
- Movement or prevailing movement in a given direction: observed the tendency of the wind; the shoreward tendency of the current.
- A characteristic likelihood: fabric that has a tendency to wrinkle.
- A predisposition to think, act, behave, or proceed in a particular way.
- An implicit direction or purpose: not openly liberal, but that is the tendency of the book.
- An implicit point of view in written or spoken matter; a bias.
[Medieval Latin tendentia, from Latin tendēns, tendent-, present participle of tendere, to tend. See tend1.]
SYNONYMS tendency, trend, current, drift, tenor, inclination. These nouns refer to the direction or course of an action or thought. Tendency implies a predisposition to proceed in a particular way: "The tendency of our own day is ... towards firm, solid, verifiable knowledge" (William H. Mallock). Trend often applies to a general or prevailing direction, especially within a particular sphere: "the trend of religious thought in recent times" (James Harvey Robinson). Current suggests a course or flow, as of opinion, especially one representative of a given time or place: "the whole current of modern feeling" (James Bryce). A drift is a tendency that seems driven by a shifting current: a drift toward communism in Latin America. Tenor implies a continuous, unwavering course: "His conduct was ... uniform and unvarying in its tenor" (Frederick Marryat). Inclination usually refers to an individual's propensity for or disposition toward one thing rather than another: an inclination to overindulge in sweets.
1 (…の)傾向, 趨勢(すうせい), 気配((to, toward ..., to do))
an upward tendency in business
There is a growing tendency for women to stay in the workforce after marriage.
2 (…の)性向, (…する)性癖;素質, 体質((toward, to ..., to do))
a tendency to get fat
show musical tendencies
He has a tendency to belittle others' problems.
3 ((ふつう形容詞的))(文学作品の)特殊な意図[傾向]
[類語]tendency人や物が一定方向へ動く傾向, 趨勢. 人の場合はなかなか変わらない性格的なかたよりや素質など. trend情勢が一定方向へ動いていること. なんらかの力が加われば変わる. drift方向が不明確な緩慢(かんまん)な 動き. また文章などの大意:the drift of the public opinion世論の風潮. tenor確立された基本的な性格. またdriftより明確な文章の意図:a change in the whole tenor of world politics世界政治のあり方の変化.
a tendency novel[play]
The Lore of the Chinese lute; an essay in ch'in ideology
The Lore of the Chinese lute; an essay in ch'in ideology (1941)
An ideology is a set of ideas that discusses one's goals, expectations, and actions. An ideology can be thought of as a comprehensive vision, as a way of looking at things (compare worldview), as in common sense (see Ideology in everyday society below) and several philosophical tendencies (seePolitical ideologies), or a set of ideas proposed by the dominant class of a society to all members of this society (a "received consciousness" or product of socialization). The main purpose behind an ideology is to offer change in society, and adherence to a set of ideals where conformity already exists, through a normative thought process. Ideologies are systems of abstract thought (as opposed to mere ideation) applied to public matters and thus make this concept central to politics. Implicitly every political tendency entails an id
Pronunciation: /ˌʌɪdɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n/
Definition of ideation
[mass noun]maim