2022年7月13日 星期三

seasoned by More's wit. scientific curiosity, household , cults of saints,

Webb Telescope Reveals a New Vision of an Ancient Universe

By Dennis Overbye, Kenneth Chang and Joshua Sokol

Spectacular imagery from the largest-ever space telescope brought tears to the eyes of seasoned scientists and dazzled the public.

A few weeks after the death of his first wife More married again. His second wife was a widow, Alice Middleton; she was an experienced housewife, full of common sense, and a good stepmother for his children. In 1523 he had undertaken a defence, written against Luther, of Henry VIII 's book on the Seven Sacraments, which had earned Henry the title of Defender of the Faith from the papacy. More wrote under the name Gulielmus Rosseus. In 1524 he moved to Chelsea, where his famous household was painted by Hans Holbein (c.1526). His cultured and delightful family life, which included the education of his daughters (especially Margaret Roper) to a level far surpassing that currently available to most women, was often commented on by contemporaries. Devotional elements included the reading of passages from Scripture at table and family prayers every night, but the general culture, fed in part by his early study of the classics and by a scientific curiosity which led him to keep unusual pets such as a monkey, was of a particularly high level and seasoned by More's wit. His realism about clerical scandals or superstition in some cults of saints was matched by his assessment of the king's favour for him: ‘If my head would win him a castle in France, it should not fail to go.’

摩爾在第一任妻子去世幾個星期後就再婚。對象愛麗絲‧米德爾頓是個寡婦;她對家務有經驗,常識豐富,又是個孩子們的好繼母。在1523年,他為亨利八世的書《七個聖禮》──該書讓亨利從教皇贏得信仰的捍衛者的稱號──向路德做書面辯護。他更常用Gulielmus Rosseus的筆名寫作。 1524年,他遷居到切爾西,他著名的全家福是由漢斯‧荷爾拜因所的畫(約1526)。他的家庭生活很有教養又和樂,包括他對女兒們的教育(尤其是瑪格麗特‧羅珀)都遠遠超過當時大多數婦女的水平,經常為同時代的人所津津樂道。他家很虔誠,包括每天在餐桌上查經文以及晚上全家祈禱,但其一般文化水準相當高,而他又富機智以化之,這些教養有的來自他早期研究過的經典,部分出自他對科學的好奇心──不尋常的寵物,如猴子等。舉凡辦公上的貪瀆醜聞或對宗教聖人的崇拜等,他都採取務實主義,所以他評估國王對他的寵愛有加時說:「如果用我的頭可贏得法國的某城堡,它就會落地。」

seasoned adjective (EXPERIENCED). having a lot of experience of doing something and therefore knowing how to do it well:.

Definition of season (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1a : to give (food) more flavor or zest by adding seasoning or savory ingredients. b : to give a distinctive quality to as if by seasoning especially : to make more agreeable advice seasoned with wit.
