2022年7月5日 星期二

way station, destination, a place of absurdity

The river in this instance is the Ganges: for Hindus a sacred setting, a way station toward new kinds of life to be assumed rather than a spot that marks the end of things, but for modern Japanese as well as Americans, reared on antisepsis and biotechnology, a place of absurdity if not danger -- funeral pyres everywhere, and bodies of human beings and household pets floating downstream.

Frugal Traveler The Grand Tour In Dover, a Not-Quite Grand Start By MATT GROSS There are two kinds of places in this world: destinations and way stations. The Frugal Traveler decides Dover, England, definitely falls in the latter. Video 

  destination Show phonetics noun [C]the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken: We arrived at our destination tired and hungry. His letter never reached its destination. The Caribbean is a popular tourist/UK holiday/US vacation destination.

way station noun [C] US a place where people can stop when travelling from one place to another
