2022年7月7日 星期四

task, To take to task, chew someone out, tasked with reinventing

The choice of the next prime minister falls to Conservatives, whose lawmakers are tasked with reinventing their party.

The WHO director-general should be taken to task for his deference to China throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

task (WORK)
noun [C]
a piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly or with difficulty:
We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude.

The government now faces the daunting task of restructuring the entire health service.

verb [T usually passive]
to give someone a task:
We have been tasked with setting up camps for refugees.
To take to task is to chew someone out for something they've done wrong. If you don't do your homework for a week, your teacher will take you to task, and you better straighten up! A task is a job, and if someone takes you to task, they're letting you know you did a bad job.

chew someone out

— phrasal verb with chew 
to criticize someone angrily:
The coach has already chewed out two of his swimmers for arriving late to practice.
