A Surprise Blockbuster in Brazil Stokes Oscar Hopes, and a Reckoning
Decades after her mother missed out on an Oscar, Brazil’s Fernanda Torres may have a chance to win with a role in a film that has set off deep soul-searching.
波斯小昭帶來黑玉斷續膏...:以色列特拉維夫大學(Tel Aviv University)和耶路薩冷希伯來大學(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)的究人員發現,大麻成分有助於斷裂的骨頭癒合,或許也有益於骨骼疾病的治療。這項研究成果已於16日發表於《骨礦研究雜誌》(Journal of Bone and Mineral Research)。
The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) is a professional, scientific and medical society established to bring together clinical and experimental scientists involved in the study of bone and mineral metabolism.
Soul-Searching in France After Official's Arrest Jolts Nation
The arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn in connection with a sexual attack raised questions about his past behavior and could upend the political calculus in France.
cal·cu·lus (kăl'kyə-ləs)
n., pl., -li (-lī'), or -lus·es.
[名] (複-li 〔-lài〕 , 〜・es)
[形] 結石の.
- 音節
- min • er • al
- 発音
- mínərəl
- レベル
- 大学入試程度
- mineralの変化形
- minerals (複数形)
- [名]
- 1 鉱物;鉱石;(動植物に対して)無機(化合)物.
- 2 ((~s))((英))= .
- 3 (栄養素としての)ミネラル.
- ━━[形]〈資源などが〉鉱物性の,鉱物を含んだ
- a mineral
- 鉱脈
- a mineral
- 鉱業権
- a mineral
- 鉱泉.
- [中ラテン語minerāle (miner鉱物+-AL=鉱物の). △MINE2]
n., pl., -li (-lī'), or -lus·es.
- Pathology. An abnormal concretion in the body, usually formed of mineral salts and found in the gallbladder, kidney, or urinary bladder, for example.
- Dentistry. See tartar (sense 1).
- Mathematics.
- The branch of mathematics that deals with limits and the differentiation and integration of functions of one or more variables.
- A method of analysis or calculation using a special symbolic notation.
- The combined mathematics of differential calculus and integral calculus.
- A system or method of calculation: "[a] dazzling grasp of the nation's byzantine budget calculus" (David M. Alpern).
[Latin, small stone used in reckoning. See calculate.]
1 [U] 《数学》計算法
differential [integral] calculus
2 《病理学》(腎臓などの)結石;歯石.
[ラテン語calx(石)+-ULE指小辞. △CALCULATE]
soul-searching | (noun) A penetrating examination of one's motives, convictions, and attitudes. |
Synonyms: | self-analysis |
Usage: | Mary's therapist told her she was going to have to be introspective and do much soul-searching if she hoped to learn what was at the root of her depression. |