2008年9月12日 星期五

The reports of my death... greatly exaggerated.

“The reports of my death is greatly exaggerated(有關我死亡的報告太誇張了)”。與往常一樣,總是從舞臺側面上臺的史提夫·傑伯斯開場便如此辟謠,話音剛落,會場上便響起了掌聲和歡呼聲。

The reports of my death is greatly exaggerated?


The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002.
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated
The text of a cable sent by Mark Twain from London to the press in the United States after his obituary had been mistakenly published.

The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Mark Twain.
