2008年9月6日 星期六

guardian, guardian angel

(胡立宗)A four-year-old cat in Germany called Bonny has survived after being walled in beneath a bathtub for seven weeks, its owner said Tuesday.德國一隻4歲大的小貓「邦妮」,被困在浴缸下7週後幸運生還,牠的主人週二表示。

"It’s a miracle," said Monika Hoppert, a 60-year-old widow from the western town of Stadthagen. "I’m a strong believer, I think she must have had a guardian angel. I’m so happy."

guardian:(1) 監護人:未成年人行使其權力時,依從父母或監護人的權力(法典98)。(2)院長:多指方濟會的院長。

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guardian Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a person who has the legal right and responsibility of taking care of someone who cannot take care of themselves, such as a child whose parents have died:
The child's parents or guardians must give their consent before she has the operation.

2 FORMAL someone who protects something:
These three official bodies are the guardians of the nation's countryside.
a self-appointed guardian of public morals

guardianship Show phonetics
noun [U]
the state or duty of being a guardian

guardian angel:護守天神;守護天使:每人都有護守天神來護衛,作為天人間的橋樑(瑪十八10,宗十二15),教會訂十月二日為敬禮護守天使的日子。

guardian angel noun [C]
a spirit who is believed to protect and help a particular person
