2008年9月6日 星期六

captor, liberator

News & Politics
POW McCain Refused Release. Why Didn't His Captors Just Kick Him Out?

Bolívar served as president of both Colombia (1821-1830) and Peru (1823-29); a better liberator than ruler, he was forced to resign in 1830. He died just a few months later.

He lived to see the Ford Motor Company, which he founded with an initial investment of $28,000 put up by a few friends and neighbors who had faith in him, produce more than 29,000,000 automobiles before the war forced the conversion of its gigantic production facilities to weapons of war. Then he directed its production of more than 8,000 four-motored Liberator bombers, as well as tanks, tank destroyers, jeeps and amphibious jeeps, transport gliders, trucks, engines and much other equipment.

WordNet: captor
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The noun has one meaning:

Meaning #1: a person who captures and holds people or animals
Synonym: capturer
Antonym: liberator (meaning #1)
